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I speak the truth to power.

In a time of universal deceit - telling the truth is a revolutionary act.

Supreme Court Allows Government Control Over Speech on Social Media Platforms, Rejects Standing in Murthy vs Missouri June 26, 2024

Anything the government or companys controlled by the biden regime will censor "Unreliable and harmful claims" if they deem your free speech to be so.

Thats ANYTHING they don't want you to know!



The DeepState And Globalists Own And Operate DC

Intermittent fasting isn’t just a weight loss strategy– It is at its best a healthy lifestyle informed by the study of metabolism.

It is a simple way to control your weight that doesn’t require you to follow a specific diet, count calories or measure food.


The Illusion Of Invisibility (Kindle Vella Story)


Fed Now Program Ends In A Central Bank Slave Currency


Died Suddenly (The Movie) 15,282,000 Views On Rumble.

Clot Shot Victim            

Death By Lethal Injection 

"Vaccine"/Jab Ingredients Disclosed.

Bio Weapon Covid "Vaccine"

The Jab kills more than the bioweapon covid virus!

Covid19 Therapeutic Options


Massive Changes To Buying And Selling Homes



A story and outcome about the covid "virus" and "vaccine" you probably aren’t hearing much about anywhere else. It takes place in the heart of Amish country.

This would have been the correct way to handle the covid "virus". The Amish unlike most of America Don't follow insane government instructions on how to handle the covid "virus".

No Hospitalization, isolation or vaccines  Amish

Why would you get a vaccine if you had the covid? If you had any sense you wouldn't.

Why would you get a "vaccine" that is not safe and effective? If you had any sense you wouldn't.

Why would you get a "vaccine" that needs booster after booster if it was effective? It never was.

The clot shot.

Why would you get a "vaccine" that you are forced to take? If you had any sense you wouldn't.


Support for people suffering from longterm covid-19 "vaccine" effects.

Sunshine On The Soapsuds (Beneth Peter Jones  


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Gina Carrano Lawsuit


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BLM has now scrubbed their original "What We Believe" section of their site.

Click This Link To See Original blm page about their goals and beliefs




EXPOSED: BLM Unites with Islamists and Communists to Dismantle the West

If you are one of the people who are protesting  because of the phrase black lives matter you are being used as a useful idiot by blm, democrate/ communists and islamists to destroy America.

You need to read the fine print about blm.

The Coach at Clemson said, "I whole heardedly support black lives matter." He supports a radical group of communists and islamists.

He like many other people are being used by blm as useful idiots just like the mayor of portland oregon who led the march on 7/22/20 and had a ted talk with blm that failed. He then ran for cover in a nearby building for his life.

BLM has now scrubbed their original "What We Believe" section of their site.

Click This Link To See Original blm page about their goals and beliefs


The Complex Funding and Ideology of Black Lives Matter

The real mission of “Black Lives Matter” – Destruction of the family, LGBT agenda, open borders, plus bizarre racist doctrine

Video link

Pro Sports Explained   (Not What You Think.)

Complete Text Of Jason Whitlock Interview

Click on J_Whitlock.mp3  to download this Profound interview that gives insight into current media deception through sports broadcasts and other media.

-- Listen, when You've been convinced that the most important thing about yourself is the color of your skin. --

- You're going to lapse into racism. -

Jason Whitlock Quote

Where Did the Races Come From?


How Jesus Christ Responded to Conspirators 

Mount Calvary Baptist Church Sermons    (Mon-Sat 10AM-12PM) 

Battleground America Podcasts 


Listen Live On GNC      Mon - Fri 4PM - 7pm EST  Lock N Load

Paula Deen HUGE Trump Chocolate Chip Pie

(She is busy baking him more if he goes to the pokey.)


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Using a cellphone upside your head is similar to someone who smokes    (Let Me Explain.)

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  Rush Little III    ***   Able In A City Of Cain  ***  (Not Exact But Close Enough)

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COQ10 Vitamin C Connection

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Fine Tuned Universe

(Evolution = Millions Of Years + Your Imagination)


John 3:16  For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

Christian Perspective

Bible crossword puzzle (Bible Names For Jesus Christ)

Bible crossword puzzle (New Testament Book Names)


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Abortion Quiz

Believe and be saved

John 14:6
6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.   Acts 4:12
12 Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.   1 Timothy 2:5
5 For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus;  Romans 10:9,10
9 That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.
10 For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.

KJV Holy Bible
John 3:16 Audio
25,500 (Gospel Tract)
Tithe Calculator 

Bible Weight Calculator
Bible Dry Volume Calculator
Creation Evidence
Creation Sermons 

Energy To Mass Calculator
Come To Jesus Hymn (Listen Or MP3 Download)
Big Bang Theory is Science Fiction
Evidence Of Creation


Survival Information

Weight Loss Prediction Calculator

One Hour Whole Wheat Bread Made With No Sugar

Learn about the importance of taking a K2 vitamin supplement   (This Vitamin Can Save Your Life.)

Vitamin-K2 Complete Primer PDF (72 Pages)

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Proverbs 3:5-6

COQ10 And The Vitamic C Connection

Salvation Army Combat Addiction 


Ethanol alcohol is used in gasoline and your drinks.

You read that right. Ethanol alcohol, the kind of alcohol that is used in pharmaceuticals, toiletries, and the fuel you put into your car, is the same type of alcohol that is in your martinis and your favorite beer.

The anesthetic called ether is also made from ethanol. Another kind of alcohol, known as methanol, derived from similar chemical compounds as ethanol, is used as a solvent, as a raw material for producing formaldehyde, as well as antifreeze and for cleaning metals. Yuck!

Alcohol is POISON!



The DeepState And Globalists Own And Operate DC


The US Digital Dollar


I never expected to travel the world of a dollar-based central bank digital currency implementation.  Two years ago, I was surprised by the construct of the Western sanctions against Russia; however, my curiosity was driven more by the outcome of the intended economic isolation, and not necessarily about the granular construct of the sanctions themselves.

What surprised me initially, was the conversation that never took place in the financial sector.

For the first time in history the U.S Dollar was being used as a weapon, not only against Russia, but against any Western corporation who did not comply with the demands of the U.S government.

The sanctions against Russia were unlike any set of sanctions that came before.

The financial sanctions against Iran, Cuba, North Korea and Venezuela all stood as examples of prior economic sanction constructs, but the financial sanctions against Russia were different.

The SWIFT exchange was shut down, Western trade into Russia was halted, and private Western corporations were forced to divest themselves of assets held within Russia.

Under the guise of “economically isolating Russia”, the sanction regime was driven by the U.S. Treasury, U.S. State Dept., and fully supported by Western allies in Europe, Canada, Japan, Australia and New Zealand.  Each of the aforementioned nations followed the exact same path.

Given the history of the prior decade,where Russia enlarged its footprint of influence, the sanction regime just did not make sense.

It was obvious that non-Western nations would continue trading with Russia, and most of those same non-Western nations were trading with the USA.

My simple question was, “won’t alternate countries just step in to fill the void of trade eliminated by the sanctions?”

If, for example, India is still buying widgets from the Western zone, wouldn’t an enterprising Indian company just start buying extra widgets from the USA, Canada or Europe and then begin brokering a portion of those products into Russia?

It seemed like common sense, and indeed that type of exchange is exactly what happened.

On the ground, in Russia, there are now Western stores missing, but the Western products are still available under different Russian flagship names.

Starbucks closed, and now it’s called Stars Coffee in Russia.

Same coffee, tables, chairs, cups, and even employees, just a different name.

Starbucks, and every other Western company was forced to divest, sell assets at fire sale prices, and exit the market.

All the following companies did the same.

Despite all the parent companies leaving, their retail products are still available through a system of brokered buying and distribution.

Third-party companies simply stepped in to fill the void. 

You can still buy the newest Samsung TVs and Apple iPhones in Russia, but now they come with a slightly higher price, as the broker adds their markup.

On the financial side, the inability to work in dollars or Euros was initially a problem, but workarounds were fast to surface {SEE HERE}.

What I soon realized, in my research, was that essentially nothing changed for the ordinary people within Russia, other than some “branded items” were no longer available.

Factually, most Russian people didn’t care, and a large percentage are oblivious to the sanction issue.   The sentiment of nationalism or national pride actually increased; they rallied around their leadership.

Two years later, the economy is doing well, Russia is selling energy to nations who have a need, trade is taking place in non-dollar denominations, and the impact is, well, really not much.

However, once you realize the sanctions never had any material impact, then the question is why it was so important to weaponize the dollar-based trade currency? 

Surely other nations would now look at their dollar dependency as a potential risk because they too could become a target if the USG made that arbitrary decision.

That’s exactly what happened, and is a big part of the non-Western zone drive to join the antifragile BRICS+ trade alliance.

So, with all these downsides, why did the U.S. do these specific sanctions this way?

When I dug deep into this issue, I realized the financial walls were not created to keep Russia out of the financial system; the walls were erected in the Western zone to keep the dollar-based system locked-in.

ME: …”The same way the Patriot Act was not designed to stop terrorism but rather to create a domestic surveillance system.

So too were the “Russian Sanctions” not designed to sanction Russia, but rather to create the financial control system that will lead to a USA digital currency.

The Western sanctions created a financial wall around the USA (dollar-based west), not to keep Russia out, but to keep us in. 

The Western sanction regime, the financial mechanisms they created and authorized, created the control gate that leads to a U.S. digital currency.” (more)

LARRY FINK in 2022 – NEW YORK, March 24 (Reuters) – BlackRock Inc’s (BLK.N) chief executive, Larry Fink, said on Thursday that the Russia-Ukraine war could end up accelerating digital currencies as a tool to settle international transactions, as the conflict upends the globalization drive of the last three decades.

In a letter to the shareholders of the world’s largest asset manager, Fink said the war will push countries to reassess currency dependencies, and that BlackRock was studying digital currencies and stablecoins due to increased client interest.

A global digital payment system, thoughtfully designed, can enhance the settlement of international transactions while reducing the risk of money laundering and corruption”, he said.

[…] In the letter on Thursday, the chairman and CEO of the $10 trillion asset manager said the Russia-Ukraine crisis had put an end to the globalization forces at work over the past 30 years.

[…] “While companies’ and consumers’ balance sheets are strong today, giving them more of a cushion to weather these difficulties, a large-scale reorientation of supply chains will inherently be inflationary,” said Fink.

He said central banks were dealing with a dilemma they had not faced in decades, having to choose between living with high inflation or slowing economic activity to contain price pressures.  (read more)

(Reuters) – Global bank messaging network SWIFT is planning a new platform in the next one to two years to connect the wave of central bank digital currencies now in development to the existing finance system, it has told Reuters.

The move, which would be one of the most significant yet for the nascent CBDC ecosystem given SWIFT’s key role in global banking, is likely to be fine-tuned to when the first major ones are launched.

Around 90% of the world’s central banks are now exploring digital versions of their currencies. Most don’t want to be left behind by bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies, but are grappling with technological complexities.

SWIFT’s head of innovation, Nick Kerigan, said its latest trial, which took 6 months and involved a 38-member group of central banks, commercial banks and settlement platforms, had been one of the largest global collaborations on CBDCs and “tokenised” assets to date.

“We are looking at a roadmap to productize (launch as a product) in the next 12-24 months,” Kerigan said in an interview. “It’s moving out of experimental stage towards something that is becoming a reality.”

Although the timeframe could still shift if major economy CBDC launches get delayed, getting out the blocks for when they do would be a major boost for maintaining SWIFT’s incumbent dominance in the bank-to-bank plumbing network.

[…] A raft of heavyweight commercial banks including HSBC, Citibank, Deutsche Bank, Societe Generale, Standard Chartered and the CLS FX settlement platform all took part too, as did at least two banks from China.

The idea is that once the interlink solution is scaled-up, banks would have one main global connection point able to handle digital asset payments, rather than thousands if they were to set up an individual one with every counterparty. (read more)

ALSO In 2022[White House] – President Biden often summarizes his vision for America in one word: Possibilities. A “digital dollar” may seem far-fetched, but modern technology could make it a real possibility.

A United States central bank digital currency (CBDC) would be a digital form of the U.S. dollar. While the U.S. has not yet decided whether it will pursue a CBDC, the U.S. has been closely examining the implications of, and options for, issuing a CBDC. If the U.S. pursued a CBDC, there could be many possible benefits, such as facilitating efficient and low-cost transactions, fostering greater access to the financial system, boosting economic growth, and supporting the continued centrality of the U.S. within the international financial system. However, a U.S. CBDC could also introduce a variety of risks, as it might affect everything ranging from the stability of the financial system to the protection of sensitive data.

Notably, these benefits and risks might vary significantly based on how the CBDC system is designed and deployed. That is why Executive Order 14067, Ensuring Responsible Development of Digital Assets, placed the highest urgency on research and development efforts into the potential design and deployment options of a U.S. CBDC. The Executive Order directed the Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP), in consultation with other Federal departments and agencies, to submit to the President a technical evaluation for a potential U.S. CBDC system.

Today, OSTP is publishing its report, Technical Evaluation for a U.S. Central Bank Digital Currency System, which lays out policy objectives for a potential U.S. CBDC system and analyzes key technical design choices for a U.S. CBDC system. The report also estimates the technical feasibility of building a CBDC minimum viable product and describes how a U.S. CBDC system might affect Federal operations. The report makes recommendations on how to prepare the Federal Government for a U.S. CBDC system. Importantly, the report does not make any assessments or recommendations about whether the U.S. should pursue a CBDC, nor does it make any decisions regarding particular design choices for a potential U.S. CBDC system.  (read more)


A digital dollar creates a unique id attached to that digital dollar.  Ultimately, the central bank that issues the digital dollar controls what the digital id can do (that’s you), and what those digital dollars can be used for (what you can do).

Digital dollars can be blocked from gun purchases, and digital ids can be used to stop unapproved users from purchasing guns – or a gas guzzling suv, or a house that’s too big, or the non-compliant fridge, or whatever.

Sellers of goods (or information) can have their ids banned from receiving digital dollars, just as VISA and MasterCard blocked sellers of guns from accessing their electronic transaction system. 

With digital dollars, “demonetization”, an alarmingly familiar modern term, can become a function of a financial regulation system.

“Debanking” another alarmingly familiar term, also becomes much easier.

Ultimately, a dollar-based US-Central Bank Digital Currency, ie a “digital dollar,” is about control.

Every transaction has a unique digital fingerprint, and every digital dollar can be traced by the IRS to the digital id associated with it.

There is a BIG difference between electronic funds (current), and a digital dollar (future).


March 31, 2024 5:11 am

Some observe:

CBDC is apparently one of multiple hobbling and control mechanisms being built into the US Bloc as part of bringing it down to the planned end state.

Adding to the others: ESG, Energy/EVs, DIE, LGBT, biotyranny, police/surveillance state.

All based on grotesquely exaggerated imperatives: Safety, security, environmental, social justice, public health.

While the primary sinking mechanism continues: US Federal debt.

One pretext for US CBDC will be integration with the other CBDC systems globally. That’s why the other systems lead.

It’s all one big movement, one big global shift.

What is the coming end state? The trends point to a future convergence: US Bloc sunk to weak totalitarian vassals under a “multi-polar global governance” with the unannounced seat of power in the East.

It all comes down to scientific prowess and industry – the US lost dominance, the East built it, the rest is “managing the decline” of the US Bloc now.

Pray for our children, as the US is moving toward neo-feudalism and totalitarianism in its coming lowered position.

Captain Convey Log Note

If you have ever wanted to know why crazy things are happening in this world the article by Sundance ( explains it so you can understand the truth.

Its all about global governance and control of you!

To truly control people, commerce must be controlled. Revelation 13 describes how this will happen.

Does the Bible prophesy a one-world government and a one-world currency in the end times?

The Bible does not use the phrase one-world government or one-world currency in referring to the end times. It does, however, provide ample evidence to enable us to draw the conclusion that both will exist under the rule of the Antichrist in the last days.

In his apocalyptic vision in the book of Revelation, the apostle John sees the “beast,” whom we identify as the Antichrist, rising out of the sea having seven heads and ten horns (Revelation 13:1).

Comparing this vision to Daniel’s similar one (Daniel 7:16–24), we can conclude that some sort of world governance system will be inaugurated by the beast, the most powerful “horn,” who will “wage war against God’s holy people and . . . conquer them” (Revelation 13:7).

The ten-nation confederacy is also seen in the statue of Daniel 2:41–42, where the final world government consists of ten entities represented by the statue’s ten toes.

Whoever the ten nations are and however they come to unite, Scripture is clear that the beast will subdue three of them (Daniel 7:8), and the rest will do his bidding.

John describes the ruler of this vast empire as having power and great authority, given to him by Satan himself (Revelation 13:2).

This ruler receives worship from “all the world” (Revelation 13:3–4) and will have authority over “every tribe, people, language and nation” (Revelation 13:7).

This person will truly be the leader of a one-world government that is recognized as sovereign over all other governments.

We see nations today willing to give up some of their sovereignty to combat "climate change"; it’s easy to imagine that the disasters and plagues described in Revelation 6—11 would create such a monumental crisis that the nations of the world will embrace anything and anyone who promises a solution.

Once entrenched in power, the beast (the Antichrist) and the power behind him (Satan) will move to establish absolute control.

In demanding worship, Satan edges toward his goal of being like God (see Isaiah 14:12–14).

To truly control people, commerce must be controlled. Revelation 13 describes how this will happen.

Everyone, “great and small, rich and poor, free and slave,” will be forced to receive some type of mark “on their right hands or on their foreheads” in order to buy and sell (Revelation 13:16).

No doubt the majority of people in the world will receive the mark simply to survive.

This new system of commerce will be universal, it will be compulsory, and it will be associated with the worship of the beast (Revelation 13:15).

There is a great deal of speculation as to what form this mark will

take and how it will be affixed, but the technologies available right now could accomplish it easily.

Those who are left behind - after - the rapture of the church will be faced with an excruciating choice—accept the mark of the beast or face starvation and horrific persecution by the Antichrist and his followers.

But those who come to Christ during that time, those whose names are written in the Lamb’s book of life (Revelation 13:8), will choose to endure, even through martyrdom.




Various Leaders will come and go up until Rev 13:3-4 when the antichrist will control the world for about 3 and one half years.

Its all about control of this world by satan and his desire to rule the world.

In demanding worship, Satan edges toward his goal of being like God (see Isaiah 14:12–14).



What does it mean that hell is referred to as a lake of fire?


The lake of fire is a term used in only a few verses near the end in the book of Revelation (Revelation 19:20; 20:10, 14, 15; 21:8).

Jesus refers to Gehenna/hell several times (Matthew 10:28; Mark 9:43; Luke 12:5), as well as an “outer darkness” (Matthew 8:12; 22:13).

These all seem to be different references to the same thing.

Hell, the lake of fire, and outer darkness are all terms describing the final destination of those who reject Christ.

This is a state of complete separation from God, never-ending and inescapable.

According to the Bible, the lake of fire is the “second death.”

This is the ultimate consequence of sin, which is to be totally cut off from God.

The lake of fire will be a place of perpetual suffering and misery.

Scripture indicates that every person whose name is not in the Book of Life will be cast into the lake of fire (Revelation 20:15).

The lake of fire will also be the fate of the beast and false prophet from the end times (Revelation 19:20), as well as Satan himself (Revelation 20:10).

The Bible indicates that both death and Hades—the temporary destination of the unsaved dead—will also be cast into the lake of fire (Revelation 20:14).

Even though hell is described using terminology such as fire and flame, it is not meant to be thought of as only a physical place.

Hell is described as a place of “torment,” not “torture,” initially intended for purely spiritual beings (Matthew 25:41).

In fact, the worst aspect of hell is an eternity of conscious, guilty, shameful separation from God and all forms of goodness.


In that sense, hell is far worse than a literal inferno; a purely physical hell is actually not as terrible as what the Bible describes.

In other words, the Bible tells us what hell is “like,” using symbols such as the lake of fire.

But Scripture does not tell us too much about what hell “is,” in direct terms.

Fire is often used as a symbol of God’s judgment.

The symbolism stems from real-life examples of God’s use of fire to punish the wicked—the overthrow of Sodom and Gomorrah (Genesis 19:24), for example, and the destruction of Elijah’s enemies (2 Kings 1:12).

Prophets often described God with a stream of fire coming from His throne, a symbol of His holy punishment of sin (e.g., Daniel 7:10; Isaiah 30:33).

The fact that the destiny of those who reject God is described as a “lake of fire” speaks to how serious the judgment is.

When God finally abolishes sin and death, all sinners will be condemned to the worst possible fate, described in the Bible using the most horrific terms.


We are created in God's image and are eternal beings.

Our eternal spirit lives forever.

Our bodies die but our spirits will never die.

If you die in your sin by rejecting God's free gift of salvation from your sins your eternal spirit will suffer punishment forever in the lake of fire prepared for the devil and his angels.

If you accept God's free gift of salvation through his son Jesus Christ God forgives your sins and your eternal spirit will be with God in heaven forever with a new body.


Please don't reject God's free gift of salvation and eternal life though Jesus Christ.


What does it mean to accept Jesus as your personal Savior?


Have you accepted Jesus Christ as your personal Savior?

To properly understand this question, you must first understand the terms “Jesus Christ,” “personal,” and “Savior.”


Who is Jesus Christ? Many people will acknowledge Jesus Christ as a good man, a great teacher, or even a prophet of God. These things are definitely true of Jesus, but they do not fully define who He truly is. The Bible tells us that Jesus is God in the flesh, God in human form (see John 1:1, 14). God came to earth to teach us, heal us, correct us, forgive us—and die for us! Jesus Christ is God, the Creator, the sovereign Lord. Have you accepted this Jesus?

What is a Savior, and why do we need a Savior? The Bible tells us that we have all sinned; we have all committed evil acts (Romans 3:10-18). As a result of our sin, we deserve God’s anger and judgment.

The only just punishment for sins committed against an infinite and eternal God is an infinite punishment (Romans 6:23; Revelation 20:11-15). That is why we need a Savior!

Jesus Christ came to earth and died in our place. Jesus’ death was an infinite payment for our sins (2 Corinthians 5:21). Jesus died to pay the penalty for our sins (Romans 5:8). Jesus paid the price so that we would not have to. Jesus’ resurrection from the dead proved that His death was sufficient to pay the penalty for our sins.

That is why Jesus is the one and only Savior (John 14:6; Acts 4:12)!

Are you trusting in Jesus as your Savior?

Is Jesus your “personal” Savior?

Many people view Christianity as attending church, performing rituals, and/or not committing certain sins. (You can't "work your way to salvation".)

That is not Christianity.

True Christianity is a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Accepting Jesus as your personal Savior means placing your own personal faith and trust in Him.

No one is saved by the faith of others.

No one is forgiven by doing certain deeds. (False religions teach this.)

The only way to be saved is to personally accept Jesus as your Savior, trusting in His death as the payment for your sins and His resurrection as your guarantee of eternal life (John 3:16).

Is Jesus personally your Savior?

If you want to accept Jesus Christ as your personal Savior, say the following words to God.

Remember, saying this prayer or any other prayer will not save you.

Only believing in Jesus Christ and His finished work on the cross for you can save you from sin.

John 3:16

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.


John Chapter 3


This prayer is simply a way to express to God your faith in Him and thank Him for providing for your salvation.

“God, I know that I have sinned against You and deserve punishment.

But I believe Jesus Christ took the punishment I deserve so that through faith in Him I could be forgiven.

I receive Your offer of forgiveness and place my trust in You for salvation.

I accept Jesus as my personal Savior!

Thank You for Your wonderful grace and forgiveness—the gift of eternal life! Amen!”


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The DeepState And Globalists Own And Operate DC

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In George Orwell’s classic novel 1984, the Ministry of  Truth produced lying propaganda and the Ministry of Love dispensed torture.

In Orwell’s farsighted story, reality was totally inverted through the government’s highly coordinated actions to manipulate its citizens’ thinking.

What’s remarkable in the book is that almost all citizens eventually became willing promoters of government lies themselves.

The combined power of government, academia, and the media work to bring about a 1984-like adoption of total nonsense.

God denounces the government-sanctioned corruption of truth: “Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; who put darkness for light, and light for darkness; who put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!”(Isaiah 5:20).

Moral perversion goes hand in hand with governments acting in perverted ways.

Today’s "govment" often oppress—if not outright persecute—people doing good and exult in the evil behavior they promote, which they mischaracterize as good.

The destruction of the moral fiber of its citizens through lying and coercive tactics is a perversion of government’s mandate and authority.

Citizens of the United States face increased institutional deception.

"govment" - sanctioned violence alone can never enslave an entire population.

Real enslaving power is wielded through institutional lying.

Read the above sentence again and realize what the CIA/FBI biden regime are doing to us.

The road to freedom is to refuse to live by lies.

“And therein we find, neglected by us, the simplest, the most accessible key to our liberation: a personal nonparticipation in lies!...For when people renounce lies, lies simply cease to exist.

Like parasites, they can only survive when attached to a person.”


Recognizing How Lies Are Built into Terminology

Evolutionists invent terms all the time that simultaneously express evolutionary concepts and are used as more evidence for evolution. For instance, the literature is full of terms like convergent evolution, vestigial organs, pseudogenes, and highly conserved sequences.

These terms have a built-in presupposition of evolution that makes them inherently misleading.

Thus, just by speaking the jargon, a person is assisting the deceitful evolutionary indoctrination of society.

The same type of built-in lying occurs when we talk about people as being transgender—as if that’s a real state of being—just because the world imagines more than two human sexes.

Evolutionary theory is full of imaginary, misleading scenarios.

The most egregious is when nature is personified, presented as exercising agency, and then invoked as a substitute god to explain the origin and diversity of life.

Selectionists project onto the environment abilities to “select,” “favor,” “act,” “send information,” and similar verbs indicating the work of an intelligent agent.

The terminology they use therefore embeds a potent lie—that nature has some type of innate volition.

The constant personification of nature as exercising creative agency transfers credit from the Lord Jesus as Creator to the creation itself…the principal lie described in Romans 1:25.

Romans 1: 25

Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen.

The denial of two biological sexes shows how serious the scope of these institutional lies and the coercion to conform is.

The challenge facing Christians is whether we will cast aside clear biblical teaching and embrace the world’s so-called science.

We belong to the Lord Jesus, who promised, “If you abide in My word, you are My disciples indeed. And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free” (John 8:31-32). Christians need to be a sanctuary of truth; we must refuse to live by the world’s lies.



Real enslaving power is wielded through institutional lying.


FBI malfeasance, wrongdoing especially (US) by a public officials, revealed by FBI WHISTLEBLOWERS

Credit (Comment.) (Article)


DEPARTMENT. Nov 4, 2022

Take the time to read this report by the republicans on the house judiciary. Report came out on Nov 4. 2022

DEPARTMENT. is a 1050 pages long PDF.

Whistleblowers describe the FBI’s Washington hierarchy as “rotted at its core,” maintaining a “systemic culture of
unaccountability,” and full of “rampant corruption, manipulation, and abuse.”

Whistleblowers describe how the FBI has abused its law-enforcement authorities for political purposes, and how actions by FBI leadership show a political bias against conservatives.

Yes the FBI is rotten to the core and so is the US justice dept.

The fbi is acting like the state police in communist russia.

Rotten to the core.

A tool used by the biden regime under the control of obama and his corrupt group.


The biggest threat to the biden regime fbi/justice dept is documented information about their corruption.




Copy the above links and publish them on websites were they won't be edited, hidden, suppressed or removed.

The fbi/justice dept fears the truth about their corrupt operations.

One such website is: )

The above report documents:

Real enslaving power wielded through institutional lying.


Every hour of every day we are being enslaved through institutional lying manipulated by the CIA/FBI through social media and the national media.

Read and understand the words:

Enslaved through corrupt institutional lying manipulated by the CIA/FBI through social media, national and local media.

This is how the biden regime is trying to control people.

Using constant corrupt institutional lying and corrupt business and social media.

How the left controls business using ESG.   (ESG stands for Environmental, Social, and Governance.)

Your perception of reality is under assault.

Twitter is the central node of censorship


Real enslaving power is wielded through institutional lying.

Read the above sentence again and realize what the CIA/FBI biden regime are doing to us.

The road to freedom is to refuse to live by lies.

“And therein we find, neglected by us, the simplest, the most accessible key to our liberation: a personal nonparticipation in lies!...For when people renounce lies, lies simply cease to exist.

Like parasites, they can only survive when attached to a person.”

Terms that have a built-in presupposition, assumed context surrounding an utterance, makes them inherently misleading.

Presupposition: an assumed-to-be-true fact upon which an utterance is delivered

A presupposition is taken for granted.

More pragmatically interesting presuppositions are those things “taken for granted” that might be false.

Presupposition Examples

Language is easily manipulated.


RESIST Fed Now CBDC Before Its To Late! (Don't become a SLAVE to programmable digital money.)



Obama and Michael dress up as "oyster bunnies" as biden proclaims 4/1/24 transgender visibility day.

Oyster Bunnies



On June 26, 2024 the us supreme court made a ruling that allows the government to edit, censor, delete, change and hide the truth about ANYTHING the biden regime doesn't want you to know!


The Supreme Court rejected the standing of the State of Missouri and five individuals in the censorship and free speech case surrounding social media.  The court came down with a 6-3 decision, Justice Amy Coney-Barrett writing the majority opinion.  Justices Alito, Gorsuch and Thomas dissented in the minority.


The background of the case was very familiar to this audience, as the Biden administration was previously blocked by lower courts from telling social media platforms to remove content against their interests.  Today, the Supreme Court rejected the standing of the plaintiffs, essentially giving a green light to the USA government to begin controlling social media platforms again.

If you read the opinion [FULL PDF HERE], I would strongly urge readers to focus beginning on page #11 of the Justice Barrett opinion.  It is obvious in the three or four pages that follow, the court was looking for an exit from the free speech issue.  Denying the case on “standing” grounds became their justification for the cop-out.

Barrett goes out of her way to make the standing issue the crux of the majority opinion.  Comey-Barrett dismisses all the instances of censorship and coerced removal under the auspices that the relief sought by the plaintiffs was for future harm, not past injury.   The lower courts had ruled the government could not interfere with speech in the future, without establishing that each individual plaintiff was harmed specifically by each action of the government.

Social media platforms did some censorship and content removal on their own, without government direction.  Therefore, it becomes impossible for the court to determine which censorship decisions were made by government coercion, and which were made by the social media platform with ordinary moderation rules being applied.  {pdf page #11}

Justice Samuel Alito Jr, joined by Justices Clarence Thomas and Neil M. Gorsuch, dissented. 

Alito criticized the majority for failing to address the underlying free speech questions in the case, calling efforts by the government to police content “coercion.”

The court “shirks that duty and thus permits the successful campaign of coercion in this case to stand as an attractive model for future officials who want to control what the people say, hear and think,” Alito wrote. “That is regrettable.”

¹We keep saying in the Government censorship 2.0 model we were going to see a shift.  The original censorship removal was going to shift away from “content” as defined by the subject matter and will resurface as censorship against the specific individual person or outlet.   This Supreme Court decision aligns with that visible DHS intention.

This case is part of the reason why DHS shifted from censorship based on what was being said (ex COVID-19), and now focuses on who is saying it.  How big is their influence?  What is the size of their audience?  What is their platform?  Where are they vulnerable or fragile?

The targeting is not necessarily the subject matter; now it’s the person or outlet with the voice that spreads the subject matter.   This is what has already started to happen, and this is the approach that will continue to happen – only at a faster pace and larger scale.


It is even more critical now to show support to the entities that are at the forefront of the information network.  We must support the voices that are digging, sharing, providing the raw material information and analyzing the ramifications, so that an understanding expands the awakening.

Those voices who provide truthful information… information that enlarges the understanding of the average person… are going to be the biggest targets now.  DHS will shift away from spider crawls looking for “keywords” and “phrases,” and they will specifically be using AI to look for context within the content.

Accurate context with accurate content will be information most perceived as against the interest of government.

You won't see or hear the truth on social media because the biden regime will prevent the truth on social media platforms.

You can read the truth on  until the government shuts it down to hide the truth.

Also another website is


I speak the truth to power.

In a time of universal deceit - telling the truth is a revolutionary act.





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