How L-Citrulline Plays A Critical Role In The Production Of Nitrite Oxide In Your Body.




The picture above explains why Nitric Oxide is so important.

Your body builds up plaque and calcium in your arteries as you age.

Nitric Oxide helps to remove plaque and calcium build up in your arteries.

The older you are the less nitric oxide your body has to remove plaque an calcium from your arteries.

There are supplements you can take to help remove plaque and calcium from your arteries.

I will explain below about how its done, what to buy and where to purchase these supplements.

(I am not a medical doctor and suggest before you start a supplement check with you doctor first.)

Four years ago I had a quadruple heart bypass.  Since that time I have researched and found supplements that can really make a difference in your health.  I have had 2 extensive checkups since my heart surgery and both reveal my heart and arteries are in good shape.   I am thankful to the Lord Jesus for his mercy on me.

I believe certain supplements can really make a big difference in heart health.







Pharmaceutical Grade Supplements


(1) L-Citrulline

(2) Vitamin K-2

(3) COQ10 with ubiquinol

(4) Vitamin D3





A key fact about L-Citrulline its metabolised to yield more I-Arginine that your body makes so it can continue the ability of the endothelion to produce higher amounts of nitric acid over a longer period of time in your body.

L-Citrulline is converted to L-Arginine and then uses the endotheial pathway for the creation of nitric acid.

Nitric Oxide keeps blood platelet cells from grouping together to form a blood clot. This helps reduce the potential for a stroke or heart attack.







I have included 2 videos below that will explain how important Nitric Oxide is to your health.

Pharmaceutical grade L-Citrulline can be purchased from   


Read or download this free PDF.   Empower Your Heart   (With Breakthrough Nitric Oxide Therapy.)

This is a very good explaination about Nitric Oxide.


L-Citrulline    (From )


(Its a known fact the covid-19 "vaccine" can cause deadly blood clots because of the artificial spike protein production of the experimental gene therapy dna altering covid-19 "vaccine" drug.

This makes L-Citrulline  even more important to take if you have become another  VICTIM.)


















Know The Truth About Your Government And The Manufactured Covid Crisis. 

  (Once Your have Crossed The RUBICON There is NO Turning Back!)

Vaccine Gene Therapy Experimental Covid-19 "Vaccines" 


Abby Normal Vaccine Victim Stories    Definition Of Assassination:   Murder by sudden or secret attack often for political reasons.        (Over 120 FREE online calculators.)


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John 3:16 Audio

John 3:16

3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

North West Creration Network   Defenders Study Bible