Federal Tax Calculator 2022









Use this free tax return calculator to estimate how much you'll owe in federal taxes, using your income, deductions and credits — in just a few steps.

In a nutshell, to estimate taxable income, you take gross income and subtract tax deductions. What’s left is taxable income.

Apply the appropriate tax bracket (based on income and filing status) to calculate tax liability.

Tax credits and taxes already withheld from your paychecks may cover that bill for the year. If not, you may need to pay the rest at tax time. If you’ve paid too much, you’ll get a tax refund.











This tax calculator is only an estimate. This calculator should be used for an estimate of your 2022 federal taxes. Your final result after you file your taxes may be different.

Do not rely on this fed tax calculator alone when estimating or filing your taxes. The amounts estimated may vary according to how accurate your input information is.