How To Make Your Own Hand Sanitizer



If you've been looking for hand sanitizer, you're not alone. Since the first coronavirus case was confirmed in  bottles have been flying off store shelves.  This video shows you how to make your own hand sanitizer.









Can wearing a medical face mask protect you against the new coronavirus?



Can wearing a medical face mask protect you against the new coronavirus? It's a question many people are asking, including pet owners who are putting canine face masks on their dogs, which is useless. 

If it's a regular surgical face mask, the answer is no, Dr. William Schaffner, an infectious disease specialist at Vanderbilt University in Tennessee, told Live Science. 

A more specialized mask, known as an N95 respirator, can protect against the new coronavirus, also called SARS-CoV-2. The respirator is thicker than a surgical mask.

About Curad Surgical Facemasks

No clinical studies have been conducted comparing the ability of an untreated facemask and these facemasks to protect the wearer from influenza infection.

They are intended to be worn by operating room personnel during surgical procedures, to protect both the surgical patient, and the operating room personnel, from the transfer of micro-organisms, body fluids and particulate material. Disposable - Single use only.

This mask does not eliminate the risk of contracting any disease or infection.  The N95 Mask does protect you.

How it Works: The BioMask has a hydrophilic plastic coating that rapidly absorbs aerosol droplets away from the outer surface of the mask. The first and second layers of the mask are treated with different compounds that inactivate influenza viruses. High barrier surgical facemask.

The Curad Surgical Facemask is sold out everywhere I checked online, cvs, walgreens, walmart etc etc.

Curad Surgical Facemasks Sold Out

People buy the Curad BioMask thinking it will protect them from the Corona Virus. It will not. read the manufacturer statement about the mask at the link above.


The N95 or P95 face masks will protect you from the Corona Virus if it is properly sealed on your face.

Can wearing a face mask protect you from the corona virus?     READ THIS

NIOSH-Approved N95 Particulate Filtering Facepiece Respirators

How do I check the seal check on a particulate respirator?

When should a user seal check be done? 

Get an N95 mask for protection from the Corona Virus if you can find it. Most stores as of 3/4/20 are sold out or they are charging you much more than the original price because of the high demand.


Consult a doctor first before using any of the information in this article. Medical advice should be obtained from a physician.




DIY Coronavirus antiviral face mask - Survive the pandemic PT 1




This guy is serious and a little scary. 

How to make an antiviral face mask from cloth, zinc sulfate, copper sulfate and distilled vinegar.

Some people make have skin sensitivities to the ingredients.

These ingredients may degrade a standard mask or valve assembly. You may prefer using treated cloth outside a standard mask or as a cloth insert. Original patent:#9,963,611






Fight the coronavirus with common spices.

DIY Coronavirus Information - Survive the pandemic PT 2



If drugs run out, what can we do if someone becomes infected with Coronavirus?

In this video I list a mix of common spices that scientific studies indicate help suppress this kind of virus.

The first version is designed to interfere with the three main enzymes the coronavirus uses in its life cycle (hemagglutinin, replicase and neuraminidase).

The second version is a variation that is more appropriate for the crisis state of the infection, the cytokine storm / ARDS. Coronavirus tea: Turmeric (Curcumin if available) Green tea (EGCG if available) Rosemary Cinnamon Elderberry Astragalus Resveratrol Cytokine storm / ARDS tea: Add Chili pepper Licorice Remove Elderberry          Do You Have A Cold Or Virus?


Can we use radio waves to destroy coronavirus?



This video seems a little waco but after watching it I am left thinking, will it work?

It does sound like he knows possibly what he is talking about. If you follow his advice you will do this at your own risk.

Would I do it? No. Why?

Because I have no way of verifying if what he says is true.

It is a very interesting video to watch and his claims if true would be something to consider.

If you are a ham operator, electronic engineer, a PHD doctor or scientist maybe you could figure out what he is talking about and make a guess about his claims.

I can't.  I worked as a electonic technician for 20 yrs and have a General Class broadcast FCC license and an associate degree in electronics engineering.

What he is explaining and talking about is way above my pay grade.

I suggest watching this video and reading his comments which are also very interesting on your tube about this video.

Here is the link to the video.   Can we use radio waves to destroy coronavirus? - Survive the pandemic part 4            Do You Have A Cold Or Virus?


Shattering cancer with resonant frequencies: Anthony Holland at TEDxSkidmoreCollege




Please do not look to this talk for medical advice.

Resonant Frequency Therapy has  been proven effective by scientific research. 

Anthony Holland: Associate Professor, also  discovered the ability of Oscillating Pulsed Electric Fields (OPEF) to destroy cancer cells and MRSA in laboratory experiments. Expert in custom digital electronic signal design, synthesis and analysis for biological effects. Member: Bioelectromagnetics Society (BEMS), European Bioelectromagnetics Association (EBEA). Postdoctoral work: Center for Computer Research in Music and Acoustics (CCRMA) Stanford University.

This is the work of Dr. Royal Raymond Rife almost 100 years ago! Dr. Morris Fishbien, president of the AMA, destroyed this man's work, burned his lab down, and had his partner murdered!



Raymond Rife Audio Waves Kills Cancer Viruses (9 of 11)




This is actual scientific proof that resonant frequency radio frequency/audio frequency waves affect cancer cells.

In the above video, Can we use radio waves to destroy coronavirus?, a ham radio set up is suggested that it could be used.  This compared to the video, Raymond Rife Audio Waves Kills Cancer Viruses,  makes the ham radio method look crude but is it possible?  I don't suggest trying the hame radio method.

After watching the,  Raymond Rife Audio Waves Kills Cancer Viruses video I suppose it could be possible using a ham radio but I think dangerous because it has not been tested as being safe.

Can we use radio waves to destroy coronavirus? Its possible because the above video seems to validate that certin resonant frequency radio/audio waves do affect cancer cells.

These videos are interesting because they certainly open the door to more investigation of the possibilty of this research in the past of having the ability to destroy cancer cells and virus cells.





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Do You Have A Cold Or Virus?

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Consult a doctor first before using any of the information in this article. Medical advice should be obtained from a physician.