The war on cars, bicycles and UN agenda 21
Some may have never heard the term “complete streets” or “walkable communities” so allow me to enlighten you. The “Complete Streets” policy of one Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) says “it will serve to provide safe access for all users including pedestrians, bicyclists, motorists, and bus riders.” Sounds harmless, right? There’s more. It also says the benefits include “encouraging walking and bicycling, eases transportation mobility, encourages children to become more physically active along with reducing air emissions from single occupancy vehicles.”
By now you may be asking how does providing safe access to roads translate into reducing single occupancy vehicles? Because the “complete streets” initiatives aren’t about adding curbs and sidewalks (which indeed are needed to accommodate pedestrians and the disabled) as much as about declaring an all-out war on cars. Like “complete streets,” “walkable communities” is code for the United Nations’ Agenda 21 initiatives that seek to abolish private property, reduce the carbon footprint of humans, restrict mobility, and basically control what we eat, how many children we can have, how we travel, and where we can live, work, and play -- initiatives which are already being implemented through ICLEI - Local Governments for Sustainability in over 600 cities nationwide and in 178 countries worldwide.
This is why you see so many bicycle lanes on streets. Most of them are not used but are actually controlled by the united nations agenda 21. Bicycles obstuct traffic and are a big hazard to drivers in many areas. Bicycles cause problems on main highways many times. Bicycles belong on streets in neighbourhoods where there is less traffic, not on main roads and highways. Everyday you hear about someone on a bicycle being killed or injured using a un bicycle lane they think gives them the right to dart in and out of traffic just because there is a marked lane for bicycles. Cars, trucks and buses don't mix well with bicycles on main highways. If you are smart you'll stary clear of main roads marked for bicycles because its unsafe.
Sustainable Development | Agenda 21 (Read this and find out why humans are an "infestation" to environ "mental" wacos.)
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