A pilot who padded his resume to make you think he was something he wasn't.
Probable Cause Dan Gryder exposes why this stupid plane crash occurred.
The pilot was a black man who had a passenger who was a black woman.
Is this information revelant?
Yes, it identifies who was flying the plane and who the passenger was.
In todays cancel culture they don't want you to include the race information
sometimes if the race information included in the story would make the person
look bad.
Is that a relevant reason to leave the race information out of a story, NO.
It would be appropriate to indicate race in this story because it is relevant to
identify who the people were that died in this plane crash that happened for
stupid reasons.
The same would be true if the people were another race.
Often race bating obscures the story and its contents.
This is done over and over often to hide responsibility and manufacture a reason
to point to someone as a racist etc.
The bottom line of this story is it really was a stupid plane crash because the
pilot made stupid decisions before flying the plane and while "flying" the
The passenger also made a stupid decision to fly in the plane that had obvious
engine problems before take off.
This is simply telling like it is without any excuses for incompetence of an
incompetent "pilot".
It is easy to race bate people to obscure incompetence to onscure a news story.
Race bating is just one way to do it. There are many other ways. The fake news
media has many ways to hide the facts and the truth.
The biden regime has many ways also to obscure the truth and they use the fake
news media everyday to keep people ignorant and uninformed.
........................................................................................ The Rev Ralph David Abernathy should be
honored on MLK day not MLK.
MLK is not what you think
....................................................................................... In a time of universal deceit - telling the truth is a revolutionary act.
George Orwell
AND THE WALLS CAME TUMBLING DOWN An Autobiography. By Ralph David Abernathy.
The Rev. Ralph David Abernathy's career has always been both enhanced and
obscured by the fact that he stood so close to the overwhelming presence of
the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. As he reminds us in the introduction to
his autobiography, ''And the Walls Came Tumbling Down,'' Mr. Abernathy ''was
there from beginning to end, from the Montgomery bus boycott in the late
autumn of 1955 to Memphis in the spring of 1968.''
Now the man who in 1957 helped to found the Southern Christian Leadership
Conference (the most prominent clergy-led civil rights organization), and
served as King's hand-picked successor as president of S.C.L.C. from 1968 to
1976, is at the center of a firestorm of his own creation, one that revolves
around revelations not about himself but about his closest friend MLK.
Mr. Abernathy and King were many things to each other - colleagues in the
black church, cellmates, strategists, co-conspirators for justice - but at
the personal level, they were best friends. But in friendships in which one
person greatly outshines the other, a curious mixture of love, envy and
competition can sometimes lead to a lingering, often unspoken resentment.
Mr. Abernathy's reasons for providing a
detailed description of his friend's last evening and early morning - during
which King had sexual encounters with two women and a confrontation with a
third close woman companion - can be known only to him.
(((Mr. Abernathy said he had not revealed
anything that had not already been discussed publicly. ''Had others not
dealt with the matter in such detail, I might have avoided any commentary,''
he wrote. He also said that although he personally did not approve of Dr.
King's behavior, he understood its reasons, because both he and Dr. King
were away from home so much.)))
The Rev. Joseph Lowery, who succeeded Mr. Abnernathy as president of the
Southern Christian Leadership Conference, said yesterday that he regretted
the things Mr. Abernathy had said about Dr. King in the book but praised Mr.
Abernathy ''as a stalwart steward'' in the civil rights struggle and called
him ''a faithful servant of the cause of liberty and justice.''
Nothing is more relished than a book written in the first person and
historical events that one has lived through. Rev. Abernathy tells the story
of what he saw and lived with his day's as Dr. King's best friend,
right-hand man, and advisor. There are things our friends know about us that
our familiy members don't and/or refuse to admit. If you are not scared of
the truth, read this book.
If you want to blindly walk around believing what others who weren't there
have written, stay ignorant and don't read the book. Dr. King was not
perfect, nor are we. However, the truth IS WHAT IT IS and does not need
defending. Besides, everyman answers for his own sins and reading this book
is no sin.
This book was written to set the record straight, by a man who had no need
for financial gains and was close to death. In the real world streets are
not paved with gum drops and lollipops. If you want that, go to Disney
(The state run media has built walls around
MLK and the truth about MLK. Ralph Abernathy knew who MLK was and what he
did. Abernathy exposed MLK. His closest friend said, "he personally did not
approve of Dr. King's behavior."
Mr. Abernathy's provided a detailed description of his friend's last evening
and early morning where MLK had sexual encounters with two women and a
confrontation with a third close woman companion.
MLK is promoted as a "peace maker" and one who believed in non violence. MLK
is not promoted as a whoremonger and adulterer. MLK closest friend Ralph
Abernathy, King's hand-picked successor as president of S.C.L.C. from 1968
to 1976, was an eye witness to the real MLK. If you believe having sex with
2 women on MLK's last evening is something that you should honor on "MLK
day" in his memory I say you are deceived and honoring a whoremonger and
adulterer because of your ignorance.
You can know the truth via MLK closest friend Ralph Abernathy, King's
hand-picked successor as president of S.C.L.C. from 1968 to 1976.
CDC Director Rochelle Walensky said that prior infection provided superior
protection to the Delta variant than vaccination alone, she is now regretfully
informing the American people that “fully vaccinated” was all a lie.
She didn’t explicitly call it a “lie,” but she might as well have. Walensky
appeared on CBS News to deliver the bad news to the remaining Covid expert
“What we really are working to do ispivot
the languageto make sure that everybody is asup-to-datewith
their Covid-19 vaccines as they personally could be, should be, based on when
they got their last vaccine,” she said.
“So, importantly right now, we arepivoting
our language, we really want to make sure people areup-to-date.
That means if you recently got your second dose, you are not eligible for a
booster. You areup-to-date.
If you are eligible for a booster and you haven’t got it, you are notup-to-dateand
you need to get your booster in order to beup-to-date.”
You “up-to-date” yet?
Vaccinated" has been replaced with the term "Up-ToDate".
is all about “pivoting our language” and not about scientific reality. That
reality came out this week when the CDC showed that prior infection provided a
superior level of protection to vaccinated immunity after the Delta variant
It released astudy called
“COVID-19 Cases and Hospitalizations by COVID-19 Vaccination Status and Previous
COVID-19 Diagnosis — California and New York, May–November 2021.” The findings
were reported by
Agence France-Presse.
“During America’s last surge of the coronavirus driven by the Delta variant,
people who were unvaccinated but survived Covid were better protected than those
who were vaccinated and not previously infected,” AFP noted about the new study.
Editor Note
The CDC like other biden regime agencies produces bipolar advice and
In 2021, 2022 and up until Jan 20, 2022 the CDC has told everybody they
must be "FULLY VACCINATED" to be protected against the covid virus or a variant
of the virus.
Now the "fully Vaccinated" language has been replaced with the term
Up to date to the CDC means getting a covid "vaccine" and two
I will change my language to explain the real meaning of "PIVOT
I will “pivot my language” and say it bluntly: Natural immunity beats
vaccinated "immunity".
Now, the American people are truly “up-to-date.”
Staying Up-To_Date also means getting a second or third opinion about
the deadly covid "vaccine":
If you are truly UP TO DATE, you will never allow anyone to inject
a covid "vaccine" or "booster" into your body!
So be UP TO DATE and NOT "fully vaccinated"
with a drug that contains poison like GRAPHENE
"Pivoting our language" also means parsing our language to change the meaning of
CDC lies!
To be fully UP TO DATE about the bipolar lies
and deceptions of the CDC don't follow their advice about the deadly covid
If you have been "fully vaccinated" and just happy as a pig at a pig
trough since you got the deadly "vaccine" now you can continue to be happy as a
pig at a pig trough knowing you are NOT FULLY "VACCINATED" but are UP-TO-DATE.
Set on a course of a future autoimmune system malfunction possibly
causing your demise in an untimely manner and then your death will be labeled
Baltimore’s very special State Attorney, Marilyn Mosby, became famous in 2015during
the Freddie Gray caseand
the trial of six Baltimore police officers. Mosby led the “Black Lives Matter”
effort to create a fraudulent case which resulted intwo
failed efforts at prosecutionand
the dismissal of all other charges. Meanwhile, Baltimore burned.
today, a grand jury delivered a four count indictment related to Mosby’s efforts
to swindle COVID pandemic relief money for her own personal gain. Two counts of
perjury (pandemic relief money), and two counts of falsifying mortgage
applications without revealing she had outstanding IRS liabilities. She tried
to purchase homes in Florida.
The perjury charges stem from Mosby’s application for pandemic relief money in
May and December of 2020, when the attorney filed for federal relief dollars
even though she “had not experienced any of the enumerated financial hardships
she claimed to have experienced,” according to court documents.
Mosby was earning more than $247,000 annually at the
time of both filings, but collected more than $9,000 in biweekly installments
from the relief money.
Additional editor note.
Because state attorney mosby has been caught trying to steal money from the
government and defended the black lives matter group even though they had
burned homes and destroyed businesses it is fitting to use the phase "black
money matters" in her case.
"Black Money Matters" to her means using her illegal money to try and
purchase homes in Florida while defending those who burned homes in Baltimore,
the black lives matter group.
You won't hear about ms. black money matters in the national news because the
national news in addition to lieing about the news hides news stories lie this.
You won't hear the truth about the Deadly
Vaccine because the national news is lieing about the covid vaccine in every
way possible.
People who live in the bubble of deceit known as the national media don't
hear the truth about anything.
Its like crossing a street and not looking right or left before you cross and
a mac truck hits you.
The national news covid "vaccine" bubble of deception.
The mass media is lying about less severe cases of the
omicron virus because of the "vaccine".
There are less severe cases of the omicron virus
because the omicron virus is a much milder variant.
This is a known fact.
The mass media is telling the public its the "vaccine"
that made the omicron virus milder.
This is a total lie broadcast to make you think you need
to got get the deadly jab.
The OneAmerica insurance companyis
reportinga major uptick in death claims ever since Wuhan
coronavirus (Covid-19) vaccines were introduced under Operation Warp Speed.
The Indianapolis-based company, which has been around since 1877, says that the
death rate is up 40 percent compared to pre-plandemiclevels. And
these deaths are occurring in working-age people, just to be clear, between the
ages of 18 and 64.
“We are seeing, right now, the highest death rates we have seen in the history
of this business – not just at OneAmerica,” confirmed company CEO Scott Davison
about this industry-wide trend.
“The data is consistent across every player in that business.”
There is simply no denying anymore that
all-cause mortality is off the charts. And the only thing that has changed,
besides the alleged “spread of covid,” ismass
vaccination that contain mystery chemicals,
in the covid "vaccine".
The general consensus seems to be that the cause of this spike remains a
“mystery.” But again, the only thing that has changed is that tens of millions
(billions?) of people have had their genes and immune systems tampered with by
Big Pharma and the government.
After reading the entire announcement from OneAmerica, Dr Malone concluded that,
at a minimum, the nation now has “both a huge human tragedy and a profound
public policy failure” on its hands.
“IF this holds true, then the genetic vaccines so aggressively promoted have
failed, and the clear federal campaign to prevent early treatment with
"lifesaving" drugs has contributed to a massive, avoidable loss of life,” he
The Biden regime also has a whole lot of blood on its hands formandating
these things on workers and others, which represents a serious crime against
humanity and a massive loss of life.
“FURTHERMORE, we have also been living through the most massive, globally
coordinated propaganda and censorship campaign in the history of the human
race,” Malone further writes, pointing to Big Tech platforms like Twitter for
their complicity.
“All major mass media and the social media technology companies have coordinated
to stifle and suppress any discussion of the risks of the genetic vaccines AND /
OR alternative early treatments.”
Malone is particularly incensed that the First Amendment to the United States
Constitution has been systematically erased by the likes of Twitter (and
Facebook / Meta and many others).
“We are not just talking about running over the first amendment of the
Constitution of the United States and grinding it into the mud with an army of
artificial intelligence-powered heavy infantry,” he says.
“This article (by OneAmerica) reads like a dry description of an avoidable mass
casualty event caused by a mandated experimental medical procedure.
for which all opportunities for the victims to have become self-informed about
the potential risks have been methodically erased from both the internet and
public awareness by an international corrupt cabal operating under the flag of
the ‘Trusted News Initiative.'”
The covid "vaccine" kills. Now and will in the future.
If you survive the jab you will still be facing lifespan reduction.
The truth will be masked about the lasting deadly effects of the
The paper, entitled “On COVID vaccines: why they cannot work, and
irrefutable evidence of their causative role in deaths after vaccination,” is
gaining widespread attention online.
Its findings are simply too shocking to ignore, peer reviewed or not. In all 14
of the jab-caused deaths, the same underlying health issues were observed. These
• Inflammatory events in small blood vessels (endotheliitis) characterized by an
abundance of T-lymphocytes and sequestered, dead endothelial cells within the
vessel lumen
“The conclusion (if supported by further data) is that essentially EVERY
inoculant recipient suffers damage, with more damage after each shot.
Given the seriousness of the types of damage (autoimmune diseases, cancer,
re-emergent Dormant infections, clotting/strokes, cardiac damage, etc.), these
effects will translate into lifespan reduction, which should be counted as
deaths from the inoculations.”
Post-injection injuries and deaths, it turns out, are not the rarity that the
media claims they are. They are actually much more common than the world is
being told.
“They may be, in fact, universal, with the severity and damage different
for each recipient,” the unnamed scientist added.
In the future there will be millions of deaths
labeled as UNKNOWN CAUSE.
The unknown cause in many cases will be caused
by the covid "vaccine" unnatural artificial immune system working in your body
24/7 to cause autoimmune system sickness and death.
12/31/21 Note
Autonomous killer drones
Getting the covid "vaccine" or "booster" shots can be equated to an autonomus
killer drone zapping you in the head, but instead you have been zapped in the
arm via a needle.
Warning. This is a very disturbing video. If you are squeamish don't watch
the video.
The drones use facial recognition.
Facial recognition can be defeated with reflectacles if you feel the need to
protect yourself.
You don't need to wear reflectacles if you don't get the covid "vaccine" or
Think of a pharmacy as having "covid drones" in the form of needles searching
for another "vaccine" victim to jab.
The pharmacy "drones" search for previous jabbed victims to deliver another
potential lethal booster dose.
Your good to go if you have never got a covid "vaccine" jab. This
defeats the pharmacy "covid booster drones".
They don't recognize you with out a previous covid "vaccine" jab.
The covid madness keeps getting worse everyday. Every now and then some
of the news is so CRAZY it is also funny.
The mayor of Chicago thinks the omicron virus will wait
9 minutes and 59 seconds and then will swoop in an get you.
Thats right the omicron virus has a union card in
Chicago Mayor, light-in-the-head, announced today that anyone entering a gym, bar,
restaurant, fitness or entertainment venue must show proof of vaccination if
they are going to be located in the facility for longer than ten minutes.
after 9 minutes and 59 seconds the Omicron variant will swoop in an get you.
It would appear union leadership for the Omicron variant organisms have entered
into an agreement with city officials and agreed to hover in/around these
facilities for ten minutes before operating to infect. There is no current end
date for the order.
This is in line with what has been done in my state in the past at various
nut job eaterys.
You were told to wear a mask only until you sat down to eat.
The covid-19 virus waited until you sat down to eat to leave you alone while
you were eating.
Of course it would be very hard to eat with a mask on like the do in
Covid madness is everywhere and the virus "obeys" the national and local
You would think that government officials and eaterys think that.
I remember feeling real stupid wearing a mask into a nut job eatery and then
taking it off after I sat down to eat.
(1) I knew the mask was useless.
(2) Unlike the nut job eatery I knew the covid virus didn't obey the eaterys
rules. Just saying this makes me feel like i'm in-the-zone the twilight
Some places in this world are like living in a daily twilight zone.
"Authority" covid "vaccine" enforcer.
If the covid virus had a human face it could look like this pic from the
twilight zone.
The third eye kicks in when the local authorities activate it to stear around
people in chicago for 9 min 59 sec or look the other way after you sit down to
eat without a useless mask. :)
Its the local authority dead eye look.
Coping with "authorities" mandates, nut job businesses or covid crazy
vaccinated AbbyNormalVaccine.com people
keeps me IN THE ZONE much of the time.
12/20/21 Note
The biden regime is intent on letting their fear propaganda drive you to get thedeadlyvax.com
The biden regime tells you you have done the right thing if you have got the
covid "vaccine".
They tell you "WE" will get through this.
The "WE" to the biden regime is the "herd" of the "vaccinated" that have been
branded with the covid-19 "vaccine" and "boosters".
The herd is driven and controlled by the biden regime.
The unvaccinated NOT part of the "vaccinated herd",a
group of people having a common bond, are what
the biden regime would like to find and control.
Equating people to a herd of cattle is a way to illustrate a point.
People can be driven just like a herd of cattle and controlled.
People have been stampeded by fear to get the covid-19 "vaccine" and "boosters".
The UNVACCINATED are looking at a winter of mild illness from the omicron
variant if they get the "virus".
The severe illness or deaths will not be for those that are UNVACCINATED!
The biden regime is pushing fear to promote their agenda using the terms "severe
illness" or "deaths".
This is biden regime fear porn about the omicron virus.
Since the omicron virus is known to have mild symptoms similar to a common cold
it will not cause the severe illness/death for families predicted by the biden
Because the omicron virus is known to be very infectious it will spread faster
and therefore infect many more people.
Because many more people will get the omicron virus it is possible there may be
a few more people in the hospitals in some areas.
The biden regime is trying to feed you a covid-19 "vaccine" excrement sandwich.
Automation Sandwiches - Expiration Date Missing AndPROPRIETARYINGREDIENTS
Are NOT Listed.
(1) The covid "vaccine" is not actually a "vaccine". The drug constructs an
artificial immune system in your body. This artificial immune system reduces
your body natural immune system to function properly.
(2) The covid "vaccine" contains ingredients that should not be given to
Karen Kingston, a former Pfizer employee and current analyst for the
pharmaceutical and medical device industries, came forward with indisputable
The inoculation being referred to as 'COVID Vaccines' is a poisonous death
sentence, and nobody should subject themselves to the shots.
All covid "vaccines" contain graphene oxide - a toxic poison.
So why is this in all covid "vaccines"?
Each "booster" covid shot builds up more and more of the toxic graphine oxide in
your body.
Graphine oxide is a conductor of electricity. It can host a magnetic field.
This is a real fact.
This peg is made by sinopeg a company in china.
Graphine oxide is a posion that should not be in any vaccine.
Graphene oxide is NOT listed as an ingredient in any of the covid
"vaccines" BECAUSE IT IS A TRADE SECRET and therefore does not need to be
This is why graphene oxide is a SECRET killer in ALL covid "vaccines"!!!
Graphene oxide posion has no therapeutic value in covid "vaccines" because it is
actually a known posion!
Keep all this in mind BEFORE you get the deadly covid "vaccine" jab or "booster"
ADE occurs when the antibodies generated during an immune response do not
destroy the virus, but instead bind
with them harmlessly.
Instead of acting as a defensive measure against pathogens, the antibodies
instead allow the foreign particles to enter the body and make the body’s immune
response significantly weaker.
(4) Ask yourself why are you being told daily you need to get the covid
"vaccine" or "boosters" when it has been proven that the covid "vaccine" does
NOT protect you from the covid-19 virus?
When New York’s original vaccine mandate for healthcare workers was
announced, it included an exemption for religious reasons.
However, when the administration changed hands, Governor Hochul removed
the religious exemption. A lawsuit was filed. A federal appeals court loss
brought the plaintiffs to the Supreme Court requesting an injunction.
Today, the request from the 20 plaintiffs was rejected by the Supreme
Court as referred by Justice Sotomayor who covers the New York region.
Gorsuch, and Thomas dissented and would have provided the injunctive relief.
However, Chief Justice John Roberts, Amy Coney-Barrett, and Brett Kavanaugh
sided with the liberal wing and denied the request.
Roberts, amy coney-barret and kavanaugh DO NOT believe healthcare workers in
NewYork should have the ability to claim an exemption from theDEADLYVAX for
religious reasons.
6 of the 9 supreme court justices are catholics on the nation’s highest court.
They include Chief Justice John Roberts and Associate Justices Clarence Thomas,
Samuel Alito, Sonia Sotomayor, Brett Kavanaugh and Amy Coney Barrett.
This is bad news. Bad news for our country and bad news for American people.
This ruling only effects the heathcare workers in newyork who must now get
the jab or loose their job.
When it comes to the supreme court it has been shown to be a court that does not
rule on issues to protect the American people from injustice in many cases.
The Senate voted Wednesday dec 8, 2021 to repeal President Joe Biden's vaccine
mandate on private businesses with over 100 employees by a vote of 52-48.
It was ONLY a resolution. What the senate should have done was pass a REAL
bill stopping the biden regime vaccine mandates. A resolution
is only a statement. The US senate is as useless as the US supreme court!
A federal judge in Georgia has blocked the vaccine mandate for federal
contractors nationally. A previous court order from another judge in Kentucky
blocked the contractor vaccine mandate in Kentucky, Ohio and Tennessee.
This latest ruling blocks the contractor mandate nationally.
A New York Supreme Court judge on Tuesday 12/7/21 paused Mayor Bill de Blasio’s
mandate that all New York City workers, including members of the NYPD and FDNY,
be vaccinated against COVID-19. Judge Frank Nervo issued a temporary restraining
order blocking de Blasio’s order, issued in October, and giving the mayor’s
office until Dec. 13 to reply.
Editor Note:
Covid "vaccine" mandates issued by federal, state, counties or cities
can be stopped by the courts.
A local example I know of is a hospital system that STILL requires ALL
THERAPY DRUG even though a federal judge has ruled the federal mandate
for hospital workers to get the jab must be halted.
This is because a hospital system can force the covid "vaccine" on their
employees as can ANY business no matter what federal, state, county or city
mandates have been stopped.
Any state, county or city can issue its own covid "vaccine" mandate, NYC is
an example.
Just as states, counties and cities have issued mandates for people to wear
If a state, county or city mandate was issued it would require that a
business make its employees get the deadly jab.
These mandates would be in effect until another court stops the "vaccine"
The bottom line is this:
The covid "vaccine" MADNESS can be circumvented
legally by ANY business!
Your alternative is to SUE the business OUT OF
BUSINESS if you are FORCED/COERCED/INTIMIDATED into getting the covid
Remember NO ONE can be forced to get the covid
"vaccine" in their arm.
You can resign or quit the business and sue the
business out of business!
Don't let anyone inject poison into your arm in
the form of a deadly covid-19 "vaccine".
Just a puppet controlled by madmen. Rubber Room Joe.
a cell in apsychiatric
cushions lining the walls. The padding or rubber room is an attempt to prevent
patients from hurting themselves by hitting their head (or other bodily parts)
on the hard surface of the walls. In most cases, an individual's placement in a
padded cell is involuntary.
A wild animal is kept in a cage to control
its movements.
Joe biden is like a caged animal that is living in the
whitehouse that is let loose to perform on cue.
His padded cell is carefully controlled by his handlers and at
feeding time his is escourted to a podium to perform for his meal and treat.
If joe gets out of control he is quickly led back to his "cage" or
padded cell in the whitehouse circus area until his next controlled performance.
Kamala Harris is no only a racist but a lazy racist of "color".
This story is proof horizontal harris is out over her skies and in no way
qualified to hold the office of VP.
Her staffers are quitting their baby sitting kamala harris jobs.
Its a combination of being lazy and also not being capable -
having attributes (such as physical or mental power) required for performance or
accomplishment - to hold the position of VP.
Kamala is a limited ability to do her job.
She constantly kackles when asked questions and also constantly kackles when
giving answers to questions.
The Kamala kackle showcases her limited mental ability to hold the job as VP.
Being a woman of color has NOTHING to do with her ability to function as a VP
in a manner that is not embarrassing!
Kamala uses her woman of color card as a crutch to enable her embarrassing
efforts to appear to be doing something uselful as VP.
I have seen people who work in walmart in hourly paid jobs that are more
qualified to be VP than horizontal harris.
Remember a woman of color has NOTHING to do with being qualified to do a job
or being able to function in that job.
Color is not a factor in being able to accomplish a task.
The biden regime will tell you it is a factor but of course it is not.
One of her biggest problem is that she comes across as a phoney.
Stumbling eagerly from one disappointment to the next is just one of the
problems for Harris.
“A sinking ship”
Reports have long pursued Harris her office is dysfunctional and her ability to
discharge her duties are limited at best.
The word “minimal” just about summing up everything about Kamala Harris and her
impact on her job since she first arrived in office, as observed by media
outlets in the U.S. and now increasingly the rest of the world.
What a team.
A demented fake puppet "president" called biden and a minimal fake vp not
capable of functioning as a vp.
Normally ignorance would not be thought of as a virus but in kamala's case
she DOES have an incurable case
of the ignorance virus. She has be vaccinated but boosters have not helped her.
“In general, the overwhelming lack of evidence likely shows CMS [Center for
Medicare and Medicaid Services] had insufficient evidence to mandate vaccination
on the wide range of facilities that it did. Looking even beyond the evidence
deficiencies relating to the specific facilities covered, the lack of data
regarding vaccination status and transmissibility—in general—is concerning.
Indeed, CMS states that ‘the effectiveness of the vaccine[s] to prevent disease
transmission by those vaccinated [is] not currently known.’ CMS also admits that
the continued efficacy of the vaccine is uncertain.
No one questions that protecting patients and healthcare workers from
contracting COVID is a laudable objective. But the Court cannot, in good faith,
allow CMS to enact an unprecedented mandate that lacks a ‘rational connection
between the facts found and the choice made’.”
“CMS failed to consider or rejected obvious alternatives to a vaccine mandate
without evidence. For example, CMS rejected daily or weekly testing—an option
that even OSHA approved in its ETS—without citing any evidence for such a
conclusion. Rather, it assured that it ‘reviewed scientific evidence on testing’
but “found that vaccination is a more effective infection control measure.’ As
discussed elsewhere, this conclusion comes despite its admission that it lacks
solid evidence19 regarding transmissibility of COVID by the vaccinated.”
“Although it is not the Courts duty to ask whether CMS’s decision was ‘the best
one possible’ or even whether there were ‘better [] alternatives,’… the Court
must ensure there exists a “rational connection between the facts found and the
Federal Judge Matthew Schelp is correct.
The biden
regime federal mandates are irrational mandates!
The biden regime has no facts to back up their conclusions about the
covid-19 vaccine.
We all know joe biden is irrational and is a controlled puppet.
Now a federal judge concludes that the biden regime acted in a non
rational manner mandating federal workers in the medical field get the
ineffective and dangerous drug known as the covid-19 "vaccine"
It lookes like the inmates in the biden regime asylum will continue to
run free until the 2022 election.
If our country survives until then I am sure the inmates of the biden regime
asylum will be forced out of power.
Until then the sane people in this country must keep fighting back
against the rubber room dictates of the biden regime.
Doctors need to be called out. From early in the pandemic, it was like a
mass hypnosis or forgetfulness of everything we had learned in medical school.
Immune system knowledge was shelved and replaced by government dictates.
thought of early outpatient treatment with “off label” drugs that could modulate
the immune system was forbidden.
Doctors essentially told patients that they had to go home and wait until
they were sick enough to be hospitalized, then treatment would begin.
telling all diabetics that there is no metformin, Glucophage, or insulin.
Would we really wait until patients are in diabetic ketoacidosis, and then treat
them only at the hospital?
is medical malfeasance of a grand scale.
Most physicians gave up our training and our reasonable medical thought process.
reasons are multiple.
it was the easy way out.
many of us are employed and fear reprisal.
despite what the public thinks, we physicians are not bold leaders, we tend to
be sheep, and are afraid of having an entire institution ostracize us or our
colleagues to think us crazy.
As we got to the point of vaccine rollout, doctors were not using the scientific
method, questioning and challenging prevailing hypotheses. They kept their
heads down, closed clinics, converted to telemedicine, and pushed only the jab.
Lately, it has been all about getting 100% of the population jabbed. For what
reason? I am not sure, and some of the more detailed and investigated theories
scare me. I shudder to think. But last year’s heroes are being labeled selfish
and villainous for not getting the vaccine.
Hospital systems have abandoned their community’s health and ignored early
successful outpatient treatment in favor of huge government subsidies for
inpatient and ICU treatment.
Now we have the same hospital systems turning their backs on their own
Basically, health providers have a choice, get shot, or get fired.
How does that help?
Both vaxxed and unvaxxed can spread the virus, so it doesn’t help anyone.
It only helps the hospital to get more government money by meeting quotas.
Physicians, those who are blindly following the government edicts are culpable
in a moral atrocity. Bullying and deriding patients who chose to refrain from
this still experimental therapy is an abomination.
Going so far as to encourage vaccination in children and pregnant women is
crazy. There is blood on the hands of any physician who does this.
With children, there is no benefit to the vaccine, only harm. They would serve
themselves and society better with natural immunity.
The vaccine hasn’t been studied on women and their babies. It is pregnancy
category X (unknown) but being pushed wholesale on these poor women without
proper studies.
Don't think for one second physicians don't know what's in the
deadlyvax.com Most are just
cowards who want to keep their jobs and will keep the truth from you about the
experimental gene therapy dna altering deadly spike protein producing drug
called a covid "vaccine".
The approved Pfizer vaccine is the same as the original COVID-19 vaccine
from the same company.
Pfizer named the new blend “Comirnaty”, and it was approved for individuals 16
years of age and older.
Senator Ron Johnson continues to point out that Pfizer’s FDA Approved
“Comirnaty” vaccine is not available in the United States.
The only nation currently known to be using Comirnaty is Israel who contracted
exclusively with Pfizer to use their population as test subjects for the
pharmaceutical company.
There are no FDA approved covid vaccines available in the U.S. despite the media
claims and despite vaccines being forcibly injected into the arms of unwilling
U.S. test subjects.
Using the label "approved" makes it sound official and safe.
The covid "vaccine" being jabbed into the arms of doctors and everybody else
is an experimental gene therapy DNA altering drug as is the new labeled and
officially "approved" covid vaccine Comirnaty given in Israel only.
Both are the same covid experimental "vaccine", its just a head fake to make
you think the covid "vaccine" is safe just because it has been labeled as
Approved or unapproved actually means the same thing about the covid
Its only a advertising campaign that fools people into thinking the
experimental "vaccine" has been approved therfore it is safe.
A lie drug manufacturers, the cdc and doctors tell you.
Most doctors are cowards who are willing to cause your
demise just to keep their jobs.
Most doctors would rather keep their medical license that tell you the truth
about the covid "vaccines".
Most doctors will use the CDC mandate of not giving their patients informed
consent about the dangers of the covid "vaccines" as an excuse to not explain
the dangers of the covid "vaccines"
If your doctor told you the covid "vaccine" is safe and
effective he or she is a liar and a coward!
Senator Ron Johnson wants to know why, and the FDA is refusing to answer his
questions. {Direct
Rumble Link Here} WATCH:
11/21/21 Note
Kyle Rittenhouse was found not guilty on all charges as he should have been.
He should not have been charged with anything because he was defending himself
as we all have the right to do.
A real domestic terrorist, darrell e brooks, plows into people at a Christmas
parade in Waukesha Wisconsin.
Due to the race of the suspect and the likely motive, this was a race-based
attack against white citizens in Waukesha, Wisconsin, in retaliation for the not
guilty verdict in the Kyle Rittenhouse case.
The weaponized FBI of the biden regime continues to try to suppress
American's freedom of speech.
woman who is not afraid to defend herself and family from the biden regime and
their weaponized domestic terror operatives in the FBI.
Sherronna Bishop along will all Americans who protest the biden regime
are considered "domestic terrorists" by the FBI and other weaponized biden
regime government organizations.
The real domestic terrorists are the biden regime and their weaponized
operatives in and out of the government.
What the Federal Security Service (FSB) is to the internal security of theRussianstate;
so too is the FBI in performing the same function for the U.S. federal
The FBI is a U.S. version of the Russian “State Police”; and the FBI is deployed
-almost exclusively- to attack domestic enemies of those who control government;
while they protect the interests of the U.S. Fourth Branch of Government.
That is the clear and accurate domestic prism to contextualize their perceived
mission: “domestic violent extremists pose the greatest threat” to their
Put another way, “We
The People”, who fight against government abuse and usurpation, are the
FBI’s actual and literal enemy.
Antifa could not exist as an organization; capable to organize and carry out
violent attacks against their targets; without the full support of the FBI.
If the FBI wanted to arrest members of Antifa, who are actually conducting
violence, they could do it easily – with little effort. It is the absence
of any action by the FBI toward Antifa, that tells us the FBI is enabling that
violent extremist behavior to continue. Once you accept that transparent
point of truth; then, you realize the FBI definition ofdomestic
violent extremismis something else entirely.
The FBI is not a law enforcement or investigative division of the U.S.
Department of Justice. The FBI is a political weapon of a larger
institution that is now focused almost entirely toward supporting a
radical communist agenda to destroy civil society in the United States.
Americnas who want to stay free must oppose the radical communist agenda of
the FBI political weapon of the biden regime. How you oppose the government and
fight against government abuse and usurpation, the actual and literal enemy is
the key to retaining your freedom.
Today the biden regime is crumbling and orders are being given to destroy
Consider the story below. A history lesson based on
people who resisted and opposed the nazis in Paris, 1944.
By 1944, as the Third Reich was crumbling, Hitler gave detailed orders for the
destruction of Paris. He wanted the monuments and all the bridges mined and the
city reduced to a “pile of rubble”. General von Choltitz, the last Nazi
commander in charge of Paris, famously claimed he saved the City of Light.
What happened was a combination of several things.
(1) Hitler was running out of time and men to fully carry out the destruction
of Paris in 1944.
(2) The people of Paris who kept resisting the nazis were the biggest factor
in their city not being destroyed!
(3) History was rewritten by the nazi
General von Choltitz who was in charge of Paris. He claimed he decided to spare
the destruction of Paris and thats why it was not destroyed, a total lie.
The city of Paris France was saved from
destruction by the people people of Paris who resisted the nazis!
Because the people of Paris kept fighting back against the nazis and did not
stop Paris was spared from destruction.
Their efforts reduced the germans ability to finish planting bombs all over
Paris and set them up to destroy monuments, buildings and bridges etc.
The people of Paris delayed the nazis efforts to complete the destruction of
Paris in 1944.
This led to another general in Paris not carrying out hitlers orders to
destroy Paris because he unlike general von choltitz did not want paris to be
destroyed. This second general knew it would not be a real military
objective but only a hitler objective of destroying Paris making a nazi
statement only.
Who saved Paris from destruction. THE PEOPLE IN PARIS WHO RESISTED the
germany military and hitler!
My point is this:
If people resist those who want to kill and destroy them or their property
they can succeed in stoping terrorists in their county from killing them and
destroying their property and freedom.
Americnas who want to stay free must oppose the radical communist agenda of
the FBI political weapon of the biden regime. How you oppose the government and
fight against government abuse and usurpation, the actual and literal enemy is
the key to retaining your freedom.
America is not in a gun battle yet but could be in the
near future if the biden regime keeps trying to take away or destroy their
property or employment via unlawful mandates to get the jab, arrest innocent
people for protesting the biden regime and keeps pushing the
deadlyvax.com on children and adults
resulting in their death or illness.
Hitler's Bitter Attempt To Burn Paris To The Ground | Destroy Paris
Joe Biden is a puppet controlled by others. He is only a demented figurehead
of a radical communist regime.
Biden is mentally unstable not only because of his dementia but also because
he is a narcissist, like hitler was.
Hitler's downfall was his narcissism and his syphillis that affected his
mental ability.
Those who control the puppet biden are also narcissists who continue to make
mistakes like hitler did in world war two.
Hitler "controlled" the government and military and used them to suppress all
those who opposed the nazis.
Hitlers control was limited to those radicals who were die hard nazis and
those who believed his propaganda.
Its similar with the biden regime in many ways.
Hitler was mentally ill and a narcissist.
Joe Biden is mentally ill and a narcissit.
Hitler's mental ability decreased because of his untreated syphilis
destroying his mental abiltity.
Biden's mental ability is decreasing because of his dementia.
Hitler was not in total control during his regime's downfall.
Biden is not in total control during his regime's downfall.
The biden regime will fail at some point because of the inept decisions made
by the puppet masters in the background.
The biden regime is failing now in areas where the people are pushing back
against the regime.
The biden regime, like hitler's regime, will fail also as long as WE THE
PEOPLE fight back against the corrupt biden regime.
Hitler killed millions and caused much destruction before he committed
suicide in a bunker as a coward.
Biden is no hitler but is just as evil a dictator, that is a demented coward.
Biden actually lacks mental ability because of his low IQ.
Case in point quote, "Ah Come On Man".
The biden puppet is controlled by radical communists who want to destroy
America by ANY means. Their
That includes destroying you if you get in the way.
Fight back against the biden regime like the people of Paris did in 1944.
When people fight back and resist tyranny they win.
Our liberties and freedoms are being limited and infringed. Alone you may feel
helpless, together we will tackle one issue at a time.
We will assist in the development of state associations that can support
these lawsuits; and help to recruit lawyers, to develop legal strategy,
to identify and train expert witnesses, and to raise money.
How: By filing lawsuits like the landmark suit filed first in
Ohio claiming that there is no emergency and that the government’s
response and restrictions are unwarranted.
We will sort our database by state legislative district and work with
state groups to make sure that each legislator is visited by
representatives of our/your group. We will deliver lists of our
registered voter members in each district and secure commitments for
support based on both representation in the district and difficulty
opposing InforMED consent.
How: By drafting model legislation to be introduced in each
state demanding transparency/InforMED consent for all medical matters,
and protecting individual rights to choose.
How: by focusing on two strategies:
providing excellent free education for economically disadvantaged
children who have fallen behind as a result of failing schools AND
school closures
developing teams of experienced businesspeople to rescue small
How: with a base of tens of millions of members, we can start
our own healthcare system with features like insurance plans that cover
services that promote health; networks of practitioners trained to
collaborate with patients in making InforMED decisions; and treatment
protocols that address the cause of disease.
This is a very interesting admission by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC).
Accepting the absence of evidence is not evidence of absence, in response to a
Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request to U.S. health officials within the
Health and Human Services Department [STORY
the CDC admitsthey
do not have evidenceof
a single case where a person carrying natural immunity ever transmitted the
virus to another person. [Document
“You would assume that if the CDC was going to crush the civil and individual
rights of those with natural immunity by having them expelled from school, fired
from their jobs, separated from the military, and worse, the CDC would have
proof of at least one instance of an unvaccinated, naturally immune individual
transmitting the COVID-19 virus to another individual. If you thought this, you
would be wrong.”
CDC Admits Crushing Rights of Naturally Immune Without Proof They Transmit the
The CDC’s incredible response is that it does not have a single document
reflecting that this has ever occurred. Not one. (See below.)
In contrast, there are endless documents reflecting cases of vaccinated
individuals becoming infected with and transmitting the virus to others.
Such as thisstudy.
And thisstudy.
And thisstudy.
And thisstudy.
It goes on and on…
Every single peer reviewed study has found that the naturally immune have far
greater than 99% protection from having COVID-19, and this immunity does not
In contrast, the COVID-19 vaccine provides, at best, limited protection and this
immunity wanes rapidly. While the vaccinated readily transmit the virus, not so
for the naturally immune.
The political establishment, the marxist biden regime, continues to push
vaccine mandates on the American people.
Citing no science they smear the unvaccinated claiming they are killing people.
However, the CDC just dumped some cold water on that narrative.
(This interview gives you insight into why so
many people embrace the cancel culture mantra of the phrase white privilege. The
basic reason is the culture they are living in teaches them to do so without
realizing they are caught in a trap of misinformation.)
Jason Whitlock, a black man, explains what white priviledge really means.
Its a phrase used by activists both black and white to make you think just
because your were born into the white race your were born with automatic
privileges that black people do not have.
In fact blacks and every other race were born with privileges the same as
people who were born of the white race.
Aaron Rogers exercised his privilege, ie white privilege, when he made
his statement about the covid "vaccine" and why he did not get the covid
"vaccine" shot.
Aaron Rogers also said he is not a spokesperson for or against the covid
"vaccine". He won't become an activist by default.
Aaron Rogers made his statement and thats it. Now he will concentrate on
playing football.
This is Aaron Rogers privilege as is ALL Americans.
He dosen't have to justify what he said over and over by becoming a full time
The elephant in the room is most black athletes can't do what Aaron Rogers
They believe that they must promote their activism in addition to being a
football player, basketball player etc.
They identify with their activism.
Black athletes don't exercise their black privilege like Aaron Rogers and
just make a statement about something without feeling the necessity of becoming
a full time activist.
Their own identity is tied to their activisim. They are not free men or
They become a self imposed victim of a false identity perpetuated by their
need to be feel like they are part of a group that boosts their self esteem.
A false identity of course. A group controlled identity of non freedom.
Aaron Rogers is a free man, free of so called white guilt for not being an
activist for a cause.
He doesn't need a self esteem boost. He is his own man. He doesn't
allow others to control him or his speech.
Black people have the same privilege as white people if they will exercise it
as Aaron Rogers did.
Group think, and group identity will keep an individual from being a free man
or woman to speak their mind with out fear.
Group think and group identity that involes activisim for blm or a similar
group keeps those who follow their rules inslaved in a false identity.
There are many white people like terry bradshaw who appease other activists
and keep making big money while living the lie of being an activist.
A FREE man or woman will speak their mind about an issue and NOT feel the
need to engage in activism to appease other people for monetary or other gain.
A free man or woman does NOT fear speaking the truth.
A slave to blm propaganda or activism will not speak the truth because
it is not allowed.
Many people sell their privilege of free speech for rewards or praise from an
activist group.
Aaron Rogers is NOT one of them.
Are you a free person or a slave to other people
who control you?
To obtain the requisite regulatory approvals to market and sell any of our
product candidates, we must demonstrate through extensivepre-clinicalstudies
and clinical trials that our products are safe and effective in humans.
Clinical testing is expensive and can take many years to complete, and its
outcome is inherently uncertain.
Failure can occur at any time during the clinical trial process.
The results ofpre-clinicalstudies
and early clinical trials of our product candidates may not be predictive of the
results of later-stage clinical trials and results from post-hoc data analysis
may not be predictive of final results and may not support product approval.
Product candidates in later stages of clinical trials may fail to show the
desired safety and efficacy characteristics
despite having progressed throughpre-clinicalstudies
and initial clinical trials.
For example, an EUA for UB-612 was denied by the TFDA in August 2021 because the
neutralizing antibody response generated by UB-612, as compared to a designated
adenovirus vectored vaccine, did not meet the TFDA’s specified evaluation
criteria, but, in collaboration with UBIA, we are appealing the decision and
have asked the TFDA to update their criteria to include a comparison of
geometric mean neutralizing titers against the Delta variant.
The outcome of that appeal remains highly uncertain.
If results from our clinical trials differ from previous reports or market
expectations, such as a potential development of market expectations that
COVID-19 boosters or vaccines be developed specifically to address certain
variants which we fail to satisfy, or if we fail to obtain a required regulatory
approval, the price of our Class A common stock could decrease substantially
from the initial public offering price.
Several companies in the biopharmaceutical industry have suffered significant
setbacks in advanced clinical trials due to lack of efficacy or adverse safety
profiles, notwithstanding promising results in earlier trials. Our ongoing and
future clinical trials may not be successful.
Read that last paragraph again.
Lack of efficacy and adverse safety profiles.
Biotechnology company that aims to democratize health
by bringing the efficiency of vaccines to chronic diseases.
The company uses its synthetic peptide vaccine
platform to harness the immune system and convert the body into its own 'drug
factory', stimulating the production of antibodies with a therapeutic effect.
Current pipeline consists of five chronic disease
candidates from early to late-stage development across multiple therapeutic
areas including Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, migraine and hypercholesterolemia as
well as a candidate for COVID-19 prevention. The listed name for VAXX is
Vaxxinity, Inc.
Vaxxinity aims to democratize your health.
What the heck does that mean?
The vaxx made by the frankenstein producing "vaccine" drug company would
harness your natural immune system.
That means CONTROL your natural immune system.
Who in the right mind would get a bio drug that would harness your natural
immune system and turn it into a drug manufacting unnatural frankenstein immune
system that is SUPER dangerous?
Abby normal vaccine
victims would of course, ie anyone who gets this shot or the covid "vaccines",
same thing.
This frankenstein shot would then covert your body immune system into a
frankenstein 'drug factory' by making UNNATRUAL synthetic, unnatural apike
protein antibodies.
This is EXACTLY what the so called covid "vaccine" does and is doing to the
millions who had got the deadly jab and the deadly boosters!
This is SICK frankenstein "science" that is being pushed by the marxist biden
regime and the frankenstein drug manufacturers.
If you want you own natural immune system to be "harnessed", that means
controlled through a drug that democratizes your immune system then go ahead and
get this frankenstein shot.
About VAXX
Synthetic peptide vaccine platform (“Vaxxine Platform”) The
11/5/21 Note
Its all gonna flip soon where business will start to fail much more and they
won't be begging people to work.
It will be just the opposite of what it is now where people will be begging
for work because of a minus gnp and massive inflation causing the dollar to
become worth less and less.
If the US can survivie until Nov 2023, election, and a news congress
hopefully will reverse all of the biden regime's misery except the nisery of
those who have received the
USELESS COVID "VACCINE" (Click Link To See Lancet Study).
Requiring covid "vaccine" mandates for truckers crossing the canadian border
will accelerate the biden regime misery for Americans.
Requiring the covid "vaccine" mandate for an additional 70 million Americans
who work in industry that employs more than 100 people or more will also
accelerate the biden regime MADNESS.
America can recover from a recession or depression.
The "recovery" rate for Americans who have got
the covid "vaccine" and perpetual "booster" jabs will depend on the grace of God
and other factors.
Some will will wake up out of their STUPER long enough to realize that the
covid "vaccine" does not work therefore any future booster shots won't work
Many who have got the covid "vaccine" and still survive will realize that it
was the covid "vaccine" that has caused their own natural immune system not to
function properly.
Vaxelation is pathological euphoria induced
in covid "vaccine" victims after getting the covid "vaccine" in all those who
have not realized they have possibly caused their own demise.
(A new website that defines the newly coined word I have created.)
Elation is defined as pathological euphoria.
Vax is a euphemism for vaccine.
Vaxelation therefore means a vaccine pathological euphoria.
Vaxelation is pathological vaccine euphoria
induced in covid "vaccine" victims after getting the covid "vaccine" in all
those who have not realized they have possibly caused their own demise.
Did you know that wearing a face mask is a sign of intentional or
unintentional compliance with covid pandemic deception that perpetuates
emotional fear to control the population?
The "mask up" term is used to imply a safety requirement that DOES NOT EXIST!
Wearing a mask identifies you intentionally or unintentionally as being in
A CULT born out of UNNATURAL fears perpetuated by pharmaceutical companies
and the biden regime.
If you are not a risk from a virus because of an underlying health condition you
don't need to wear a mask in public.
If you do have an underlying health condition you need to take NORMAL
precautiions as much as possible to avoid getting a cold, flu or other virus.
That doesn't mean wearing a mask to protect yourself in public because a mask is
useless to protect you from a virus in public.
The mith of the mask is a cult that perpetuates emotional fear that is
Detailed references to back up these assertions. It’s time for us to revolt
against the tyranny of our “rulers” with science that supports our decision to
breathe oxygen, eliminate carbon dioxide and support a healthy immune system.
"The need for control is a reaction to fear. Anger is a very visible
response from the leftists whenever their policies are rejected. The
modern political left do not view rejection as a rebuke of their ideology,
instead they view rejection as a need to push harder. From their
perspective they need to reeducate their target; to force a change in thinking
from incorrect thoughts to correct thoughts; and the only acceptable path is to
push harder."
"This approach is based on a cognitive inability to reflect or contemplate that
their ideology is flawed. Because they put the emotion of their views as
the motive for their effort, they are incapable of changing direction.
From the perspective of the modern political left, if they were to change
direction, they would be rejecting the foundation of their own personal value.
They cannot do that. It’s not them that are wrong -ever- it’s you."
"Those who do not adhere to the insane ideological goals of the far left, are
viewed as the problem that must be overcome. Their emotional attachment to
ideology is why these avowed and ideological followers cannot be redeemed or
coerced into reasonable positions with any logical argument. Instead, you
must be re-educated to see their worth, to value their ideology… you, the person
or group who stands in their way, will always be viewed as the problem."
Gas Log Fuel
Calculator (Figure The Massive Increase In The Cost Of
Natural Gas Because Of The Biden Regime.)
Gasoline Cost
Calculator (Calculate The Ever Increasing Cost Of Gasoline
Because Of The Marxist Biden Regime.)
Power Calculator (Calculate How Much More Your Power
Bill Will Cost Because The Biden Regime Is Doing Everthing In Its Power To stop
The Production Of Oil In The US.)
You can't calculate the cost of the ongoing destruction of the US economy by
the marxist Biden Regime.
Your can't calculate the daily loss of jobs because of the marxist Biden
You can't calculate the daily deaths in the US because of the Biden Regime.
You can't calculate the misery caused by the Biden Regime Marxists.
You can't calculate the cost of property destruction because of the Biden
You can't calculate the ever increasing cost of food because of the Marxist
Biden Regime.
You also can't calculate the massive pushback of those in America who will
refute, dispute and fight the Biden Regime mandates that are causing people to
rebel against the Biden Regime Marxists in washing dc and elsewhere.
“The largest number of illegal aliens in the history of our Country are pouring
in by the millions. They are totally unchecked and unvetted, can do whatever
they want, and go wherever they want.
Country is rapidly becoming a cesspool of humanity.
Murderers, drug dealers, and criminals of all shapes and sizes are a big part of
this massive migration. Tens of thousands of people are coming from Haiti, and
many now from countries in Africa, even more so now than South America.
Nothing is done and the corrupt Mainstream Media is giving almost no attention
to what will be perhaps the greatest Crisis in the history of our Country. This
is not just a Border Crisis, this is a Crisis Crisis. God Bless America!”
Trump Media & Technology Group (“TMTG”) will soon be launching a social network,
named "TRUTH Social." TRUTH Social is now available for Pre-Order in the Apple
App store. TRUTH Social plans to begin its Beta Launch for invited guests in
November 2021. A nationwide rollout is expected in the first quarter of 2022.
Those who are interested in joining TRUTH Social may now visit
www.truthsocial.com to sign up for the invite list.
President Donald J. Trump, the Chairman of TMTG, stated, “I created TRUTH Social
and TMTG to stand up to the tyranny of Big Tech. We live in a world where the
Taliban has a huge presence on Twitter, yet your favorite American President has
been silenced. This is unacceptable. I am excited to send out my first TRUTH on
TRUTH Social very soon. TMTG was founded with a mission to give a voice to all.
I'm excited to soon begin sharing my thoughts on TRUTH Social and to fight back
against Big Tech. Everyone asks me why doesn’t someone stand up to Big Tech?
Well, we will be soon!”
What exactly is TRUTH Social’s “Big Tent” approach?
Big Tent is a new way to describe “inclusivity” in America. Think of a
giant outdoor event tent at your best friend’s wedding. Who’s there? The
combination of multiple families from all over the United States, and the world.
Uncle Jim from Atlanta is a proud libertarian. Aunt Kellie from Texas is a
staunch conservative. Your cousin John from California is a die-hard liberal.
And guess what? They’re all together to have an amazing time and share their
viewpoints of the world. Although we don’t always agree with each other, we
welcome these varied opinions and welcome the conversation.
Let your voice be heard. Sign up, join the conversation, and share your
unique opinion by posting a TRUTH, Re-TRUTH, photo, news story, or video link to
communicate with your friends, customers, and the world. Stay informed about
breaking news while staying directly connected with the people who influence you
– don’t be shocked if they take your TRUTH viral!
Key Features
Profile - Express your unique personality by setting up a profile,
avatar, and background. Begin to track your personal connections through
follower and following counts as well as history for your posts and likes.
TRUTH Feed - Get the scoop on the latest thoughts and activities from
the people, organizations, and news outlets that interest you. The TRUTH Feed
contains posts from all those you follow brought to life with the help of
thumbnail photos, links, and more.
Search - TRUTH Social really starts to become interesting as you connect
with others. Search for a voice that you find interesting and easily follow them
right from the search list or view their profile first before deciding.
Notifications - Stay engaged as you build a following. See who’s
following you and who’s interacting with your TRUTH’s.
trading refers to $0 commissions for Robinhood Financial self-directed
individual cash or margin brokerage accounts that trade U.S. listed.
Let's Go Brandon!
Democrats/communists are not trying to just control guns, they're trying to
control you.
Biden has made a disturbing statement proving that he is coming for law-abiding
citizens firearms.
“But no amendment to the Constitution is absolute.”
Lock N Load with Bill Frady is presented by Genesis Communications Network. With
126 million gun owners in the US today, Lock N Load has something for everyone.
From reports about the politics of gun ownership, and those who would take the
right away, to trends within the gun industry, self defense, gun gear, tactical
training and all of the colorful personalities within the gun community.
If You Are UNAWARE That You Are Being Disarmed By The Biden Regime
Through Their Systematic Use Of Federal Agencies Such As The fbi you will be
left in a defenseless state.
Doctors are NOT allowed by the government to say anything to you about the
dangers of adverse health reactions to the covid-19 "vaccine" or they could
loose their license to be a doctor.
A “breakthrough case” is the term for a person infecting with COVID-19 after
they have been vaccinated.
Hospitals only report covid-19 patients who HAVE NOT BEEN "VACCINATED" with the
deadly "vaccine".
That means when you hear a reporter tell you a hospital has covid-19
patients, the "VACCINATED" patients with the covid-19 virus are NOT reported as
being covid-19 infected patients!
The *entire* premise behind the Biden administration mandatory vaccine
requirement for U.S. workers is political.
When questioned about American workers, being forced to take a vaccine under the
auspices of public health – yet not requiring vaccines for illegal economic
migrants or postal workers the administration : “that’s correct”.
The biden regime has NO legal pathway to the mandate.
The U.S. Constitution does not provide the executive with the power they are
attempting to exert; not even close.
Their arguments are weak, make no sense, are not framed in legal
standing, and are easily dispatched in the courts.
If the vaccine is required as a matter of urgent public health -under an
emergency declaration- then why are any exemptions afforded, or groups exempted?
Nothing within the biden regime's covid "vaccine" plan requires the
approval or consent of any representative body in Washington DC.
South Carolina Gov. Henry McMaster went to Twitter with his response, saying
that "The American Dream has turned into a nightmare under President Biden."
"They have declared war against capitalism, thumbed their noses at the
Constitution, and empowered our enemies abroad," McMaster said. "Rest assured,
we will fight them to the gates of hell to protect the liberty and livelihood of
every South Carolinian."
When we teach history, we’re teaching our children who they are and where
they came from.
When we teach them civics, we teach them who they can become.
If we allow critical race theory to corrupt this, we will teach them the
soul-crushing lesson that they’re nothing more than the color of their skin—and
that’s all they’ll ever be.
Who does critical race theory harm?
Everyone—not just the white kids who are categorized as oppressors, but children
of color, who, like every child, deserve a civil, harmonious society where our
immutable characteristics complement, not divide, one another.
That’s the real aim of critical race theory—and the reason we can’t allow it
to seep further into our school curricula.
DON’T BE confused about Critical Race Theory (and some similar theories and
beliefs), as some so-called conservatives seem to be.
Critical Race Theory (CRT) may have tinges of Marxism, Communism, Leftism,
liberalism, and even Democratic Party thinking but, at its core, Critical Race
Theory is a virulently anti-White philosophy that uses quasi-intellectual terms
to promote anti-Whiteness towards anything that seems, no matter how slightly,
For example, you’ve probably read how “math is racist” toward non-Whites
because students are taught (horrors!) that there are correct and incorrect
To be clear, anything related to Whites or developed by Whites; be it something
from history, or science, or literature, or art, or anything that can somehow be
tied to Whites ishated.
That is what Critical Race Theory is about.
Oct 1, 2021
National School Boards Association Letter To The Biden Regime
The biden regime is using the patriot act to target those who oppose the lie
of "critical race theory" being taught in public schools which rewrites history
and brainwashes children.
Brainwashing definition is - a forcible indoctrination to induce someone to
give up basic political, social, or religious beliefs and attitudes and to
accept contrasting regimented ideas.
This is also known as communism which is forcible indroctrination that
opposes any alternative views or beliefs.
Your are getting a "double" dose of malpractice when you get the covid
"vaccine" injection.
1st the covid "vaccine" injection is given wrong and 2nd the experimental
gene therapy DNA altering drug is injected into your blood stream immediately!
The covid "vaccine" injection is NOT being done correctly.
The CDC informs doctors, nurses etc to NOT Aspirate the needle used to inject
the "vaccine".
Aspirate means (pulling back on the syringe plunger after needle insertion but
before injection).
After the needle is inserted into your arm if the covid "vaccine" administered
correctly and safely the nurse or doctor should aspirate the needle, pull back
on the needle plunger a little and see if any blood is in the syringe.
If there is blood in the syringe it means the needle was inserted in to a vein
in your arm.
The CDC informs doctors, nurses etc Not to check to see if the syringe needle
was injected intoa vein in your arm!
If a doctor, nurse etc injects the covid "vaccine" in a vein the vaccine will
then be in the blood stream where is was NOT suppose to go.
When this is done you will get adverse reactions from the covid "vaccine".
The connection between Intravenous Injection causing myocarditis and blood
Blood clots caused by injecting the covid "vaccine" wrong are causing people to
DIE every day.
The CDC recommends giving the covid "vaccine" injection the wrong way.
The CDC guidelines are killing people!
See CDC guidelines under the subtitle Needle Length.
See Dr John Campbell Video Explaining How The CDC And WHO Guidelines On How To
give the covid "vaccine" injection are KILLING PEOPLE.
Inadvertant intravenous injections
(Its not an inadvertant covid "vaccine" injection because the CDC tells
docotors, nurses etc to NOT check to see if you have been poked in a vein.)
The covid-19 "vaccine" killing field starts at your local pharmacy, not
your local hospital.
(23:53 Sec Video Of Documented Evidence That The Sars-Cov-2
Virus And Covid-19 Vaccines Are Bio Weapons Produced In American And China Level
4 Bio Labs.)