The Supreme Court ruling isAVAILABLE
HERE. The court ruled 6-3 to strike down the big issue of the OSHA
vaccine mandate for businesses with more than 100 employees. However, the court
did allow (5-4) the federal vaccine mandate for federally funded healthcare
agencies. Justices Roberts and Kavanaugh joined the communists to allow
the healthcare worker mandate to continue.
“OSHA has never before imposed such a mandate. Nor has Congress. Indeed,
although Congress has enacted significant legislation addressing the COVID–19
pandemic, it has declined to enact any measure similar to what OSHA has
promulgated here,” the majority justices wrote in anunsigned
The Supreme Court has stopped the Biden administration from enforcing a
requirement that employees at large businesses be vaccinated against COVID-19 or
undergo weekly testing and wear a mask on the job.
At the same time, the court is allowing the administration to proceed with a
vaccine mandate for most health care workers in the U.S.
The The vaccine mandate that the court will allow to be enforced nationwide
covers virtually all health care workers in the country. It applies to health
care providers that receive federal Medicare or Medicaid funding, potentially
affecting 76,000 health care facilities as well as home health care providers.
The rule has medical and religious exemptions.
Editor additional note:
The supreme court is bipolar.
On the one hand they rule that the vaccine mandate for business over 100
employess is not constutional, 80 million people, but on the other hand they
rule the vaccine mandate for health care workers is constitutional. 20
million people.
They say congress has not passed any legislation giving osha authority to
mandate a covid vaccine but they rule that health care workers must get the
vaccine. 20 million health care workers.
How many million health care workers will quit their jobs not to get the
deadly "vaccine" jab out of the 20
How many of the 20 million will replace those of the 80 million who quit their
jobs to avoid getting the covid "vaccine"?
Its not rocket science to figure out why employers can't find people to fill
Millions have quit their jobs to avoid the jab. How many have started
their own businesses? How many have been reemployed in a business that did
not require the deadly jab?
How many have looked for a job where the jab was not required?
Now that the jab is not allowed to be mandated by business how many business
will still reuire the jab and how many will not?
Its totally up to a business if they require the deadly jab.
How many businesses will still reuire the deadly jab and how many people will
quit their jobs because of this?
How many business will not require the deadly jab?
How many business will ask former employees to come back to work because they
will no longer require the jab?
How many more people will get sick or die because they got the deadly jab?
Whatever you do don't get the deadly covid "vaccine" jab.
You can look for another job because you quit your job to avoid the
deadly jab.
If your dead because you got the deadly jab you won't be looking for a job!
Whats more important your job or you life? Its the job or the jab.
To some people the jab is more important because they have not been informed
about the deadly jab.
Some think the covid jab is safe.
Some just do what they are told to do.
Some know the jab is NOT safe or they feel uneasy or unsure about the covid jab
but they get the jab anyway.
A large percentage of people who get the jab have been forced to get the jab and
did not want to get the jab but they got the jab just to keep their job.
The covid jab is a real biological ticking time bomb inserted into your body and
is an unnatural artifical immune system that causes your natural immune system
to malfunction.
If you truly love your children you will have taken the time to research the
truth about the covid "vaccines" and got more than one opinion about the safety
and effectivness of the deadly covid "vaccines".
If you have not taken the time to reseach the truth about the covid "vaccines"
you have failed to protect yourself or your children!
The new world terrorists don’t have faces or flags, and they don’t blow
themselves up or declare any religion. They are the fuel of political warfare,
these new terrorists.
There are billions of them hiding inside “Trojan Horses” in the form ofgraphine
oxide, and they terrorize every working system of the human body.
Doctors are NOT allowed by the government to say anything to you about the
dangers of adverse health reactions to the covid-19 "vaccine" or they could
loose their license to be a doctor.
I have talked with several people that told me they were able to stick a magnet
on their arm where they got theDeadly
Graphine oxide is magnetic. The covid "vaccines" contain GRAPHINE
Young is a biochemist, microbiologist, and clinical nutritionist.)
Dr. Young’s paper concludes, these Covid injections “are NOT vaccines but
nanotechnological drugs working as a genetic therapy … All these so-called
“vaccines” are patented and therefore their actual content is kept secret even
to the buyers, who, of course, are using taxpayers’ money. So, consumers
(taxpayers) have no information about what they are receiving in their bodies by
Doctors are NOT allowed by the government to say anything to you about the
dangers of adverse health reactions to the covid-19 "vaccine" or they could
loose their license to be a doctor.