Electromagnetic radiation has been called the “tobacco of the digital age,” and “the new asbestos.”
5G Radiation will take our already-high exposures from harmful electromagnetic radiation to new, never-before-experienced levels.
5G is sure to substantially increase that already dangerous number of wireless signals that bombard our bodies daily. And it can use super-20 GHz MMW (millimeter wave). This technology has been used for years in medicine, military, and satellite industries, but remains un-tested for the general public.
There are close to 6,000 scientific, peer-reviewed EMF research papers showing strong correlation between electromagnetic radiation and a host of diseases and disorders including cancer, cardiovascular abnormalities, neurological disorders, digestive problems, dermatitis, reproductive failure, certain types of diabetes, as well as behavioral and learning disabilities and many others.
The landmark study from the National Toxicology Program of the US Department of Health and Human Services concluded that there is “clear evidence” that radiation from cell phones causes cancer.
The danger is not just cancer—there are a host of diseases and disorders associated with over-exposure to electromagnetic radiation. If you leave near a 5G street antenna, Cell tower, Bank of smart meters you are being overexposed to dangerous microware RF all the time.
The hidden danger in RF Radiation is it can take months or years for cancer to kill you.
The more immediate danger is to certain individuals who have Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity.
The RF Radiation you are exposed to will mask itself as various diseases and disorders.
If you are not aware of the dangers of EMF/RF Radiation you will continue to harm your body while your doctor will treat your symptoms with Pharmaceutical Drugs which also will only mask your symptoms.
Your best hope of avoiding the hidden danger of RF radiation which is all around us is to become aware of the hidden dangers of EMF/RF Radiation.
Install the 5G Cell Kill Grid using this code. 2HTKXMH Watch the videos and become aware of the 5G Kill Grid!
There is no doubt that electromagnetic radiation has biological impact. EMFs affect life at the cellular level –
The above are well-documented, scientific facts.
The debate comes down to the question – does it matter? And, since most people are not dropping dead left and right, we can afford to do some more research, says industry and the FCC.
EMF and RF are silent killers. The 5G Cell Kill Grid makes these silent killers much more dangerous.
Do some of your own research and get your own second opinion about 5G.
Being within 5 feet of a WiFi Router is like being within about 500 feet of a cell tower.
So being about 1 foot close to any WiFi device is like being 100 feet from a cell tower.
If your baby has a smart pacifier in their mouth they have a cell tower in their mouth! Similar if you have blue tooth head phones or a blue tooth device in your ear. You have a blue tooth cell tower in your ear!
Install the 5G Cell Kill Grid using this code. 2HTKXMH
A FREE ROKU Channel from StreamZones.com (Many FREE Roku Channels)
Stop 5G In Pickens County SC Sign this petition to Stop 5G In Pickens County SC.
Think about what you are doing the next time you put your cell phone next to
your head.
5G or 5th Generation Cell Towers Use MIMO or Massive Input And Massive Output Phased array antennas that stear the radiating radio frequency (RF) signal to your cell phone. A beam of RF.
128 antennas in each phased array antenna.
It will be impossible for the users to know exactly what their exposure levels are on any day, as this technology can slip from one frequency to another and one antenna to another, instantaneously and seamlessly. 5G is “pretty slick!”
5G build-out requires many more antennas, very closely positioned and lower to the ground so that users do not lose signal.
The close proximity of 5G antennas greatly increases the risks associated with exposure to harmful radiation.
Proximity is a big deal when it comes to electromagnetic radiation danger. Radiation levels drop off dramatically with distance.
5G small cells will also be placed on lamp posts, corners of buildings, street signs, etc. They are small and relatively inconspicuous.
5G will result in an enormous surge of radiation exposure. Plused radiation in the form of beam formed signals!
Are 5G Towers More Dangerous? YES! Take Concrete Steps to Protect Yourself
Read The above link on steps to protect yourself.
Editor Note: If I had a 5G 4ft cell tower in front of my house near the street I would take some of the steps suggested.
If I lived within 1000 feet of a cell tower I would also consider doing the above or moving where there is not a cell tower within 1000 feet.
If I lived in an appartment complex with a large bank of wifi smart meters next to my bedroom I would also move.
Very technical PDF book on MIMO RF Radiation (Your need to be an engineer to understand this.) This PDF does explain how a MIMO RF Beam is formed and is following you where you go.
This is the backbone of the 5G Kill Grid!
Among the many potential problems with exposure to 5G radio waves are issues with the skin, which is interesting when you consider that this technology is already being used in the military for crowd control purposes.
“This kind of technology, which is in many of our homes, actually interacts with human skin and eyes. The shocking finding was made public via Israeli research studies that were presented at an international conference on the subject last year.
Below you can find a lecture from Dr. Ben-Ishai of the Department of Physics at Hebrew University. He goes through how human sweat ducts act like a number of helical antennas when exposed to these wavelengths that are put out by the devices that employ 5G technology.” [Source]
The U.S. military developed a non-lethal crowd control weapon system called the Active Denial System (ADS). It uses radio frequency millimeter waves in the 95GHz range to penetrate the top 1/64 of an inch layer of skin on the targeted individual, instantly producing an intolerable heating sensation that causes them to flee.
5g: 81,000 to 86,000 MHz = waves 0.1 inch long Thats 81 GHZ to 86 GHZ
he FCC has not tested the effects of microwave radiation of 5g. The living tissue reference above includes your brain and every cell in your body!
The US military has tested the effects of frequencys near 5G and have used it in crowd control.
We will all suffer from the effects of 5G Microwave "Dirty Electricity". Some may possible feel the effects on the skin and others will have various symptoms of illness including cancer in the future if exposed enough.
The government says 5G is safe just like they told us Cigarettes were save.
Its all about the money and not your health!
There is a reason those big orange cables are being buried every where near roads. These orange cables will connect 5G cell towers every 1,000 feet. The closer you get to one of these 5G Cell Towers the higher dose of dangerous EMF radiation you will get. 5G is much more dangerous than 4G. Also there will be deployed a 60G wi-fi kill grid of 1024 antennas everywhere to connect home and office wi-fi to the 5G kill grid.
Pulsed RF fields: Exposure to very intense pulsed RF fields, similar to those used by radar systems, has been reported to suppress the startle response and evoke body movements in conscious mice. In addition, people with normal hearing have perceived pulse RF fields with frequencies between about 200 MHz and 6.5 GHz.
This is called the microwave hearing effect. The sound has been variously described as a buzzing, clicking, hissing or popping sound, depending on the RF pulsing characteristics. Prolonged or repeated exposure may be stressful and should be avoided where possible.
The 2g,3g,4g and 5g cell phone systems all use pulsed RF Fields constantly.
The new 5g will be at 28 GHZ.
Your wifi is at 2.4 GHZ and 5.0 GHZ.
Reported Biological Effects from Radiofrequency Radiation at Low-Intensity Exposure 2019
(Cell Tower, Wi-Fi, Wireless Laptop and 'Smart' Meter RF Intensities)
In May of 2016, scientists at the US National Toxicology Program released “partial findings” from a $25 million study on cellphone radiation, that found that both hyperplasias (abnormal increases in volume of a tissue or organ caused by the formation and growth of new normal cells) and tumors occur at significantly higher rates in the presence of continuous radio frequency/microwave radiation,
Disregarding these findings, six short weeks later, the FCC approved a move to 5g, and the wireless industry got to work installing Distributed Antenna Systems (a network of small cells) on utility poles around the country just as quickly as they possibly could.
Some antennas have been placed as close as 20 feet from second story bedroom windows and will spray 4g or 5g radio frequency/microwave radiation 24/7/365 on the unfortunate person who unknowingly sleeps there. Cancer clusters have been documented for people living closer than 2,000 feet to mobile communications base stations, so antennas for mobile communications base stations should never be lower than 200 feet, and no closer than 2,000 feet to people and other living organisms.
Massive electromagnetic pollution is spiraling out of control, with both Industry and Government denying the scientific proof of harm from microwave radiation. Our Government and the Wireless Industry should not transmit digital data wirelessly, using the data-dense modulation schemes: Orthogonal Frequency-Division Multiplexing (OFDM/OFDMA) used in Wi-Fi, 4g/LTE and 5g — because the US Government has already proven that the data-sparse 2G modulation is hazardous. We must, instead, transmit data from Point A to Point B to every business, every home, every school and farm with far superior fiber optic cables.
The 5G KILL GRID is being deployed now almost everywhere.
Install the 5G Cell Kill Grid Roku Channel and become aware of the danger all around you in the form of microwave radiation that damages the cells in your body.
Install the 5G Cell Kill Grid using this code. 2HTKXMH
Click this link this link to go to roku.com and install the FREE 5G Cell Kill Grid
Kill Grid More Information On The Dangers Of 5G Cell Radiation
Some people are like a frog in a pot of water that is slowly being heated up. The frog will be cooked by the heat unaware of any danger.
People using 5G cell phones and wi-fi will not be aware that their body cells are being damaged until they become sick and develop various health problems because of EMF radiation.
Think of yourself as a frog in an EMF radiation cell pot being slowly killed by 5G cell and wi-fi radiation affecting your body cells via voltage gated calcium channel (VGCC) activation.
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Install the 5G Cell Kill Grid using this code. 2HTKXMH
Click this link this link to go to roku.com and install the FREE 5G Cell Kill Grid
Radiation Free Air Tube Headset (www.smart-safe.com)
Health Effects, Risks & Dangers of Bluetooth Radiation
(Blue Tooth for smartphones have NO SAR ratings and will beam more radiation into your ear than the cell phone max of safe exposure to radio frequency (RF) energy which is 1.6 watts per kilogram (1.6 W/kg). Remember 1.6 w/kg is based on an outdated FCC study that is flawed and incorrect.
If your serious about protecting your family and finding EMF Pollution in your home or elsewhere get this meter,
It costs about $119.00 from Amazon with free shipping.
Detects all three types of EMF pollution: AC magnetic, AC electric, and RF/microwave
The Advanced GQ EMF-390 is great for measuring the EMF emissions of cellphone towers, Wi-Fi, mobile phones and microwave oven leakage which is a big hazard you can do something about.
Get rid of your microwave oven and purchase a Steam Convection & Convection Oven
You can protect yourself with THREE main simple steps.
Here is your whole house EMF protection and RF protection recipe:
1. Determine if and where these radiations are present where you live AND where you work.
2. How strong these radiations are with a help of a this RF meter Advanced GQ EMF-390 . It costs about $119.00 from Amazon.com with free shipping.
3. Find out how to shield and protect against excessive radiation
Electric (“ELEC”) fields-- In an electromagnetically quiet home or office, both Standard and Weighted will read less than 50 V/m, but the reading may be higher when the meter is pointed toward fluorescent lights, a wall outlet or switch plate, or an improperly-grounded appliance.
RF-- Digital RF signals are pulsing.
An RF quiet area will typically have less than 1.000 milliwatts per square meter as a peak (highest PEAK reading after watching the meter for a minute), and 0.200 average (the large numerals).
RF can be effectively shielded by placing any metal sheet (aluminum foil or aluminum siding) or metal mesh (aluminum screen door material) between you and the RF source, which is typically a cell tower. Metal sheet or mesh affects RF in the same way that a mirror reflects light.
Some people are not concerned about EMF hazards because they don't perceive any danger.
They are like a frog in a pot of water that is slowly heated up.
The frog will be cooked by the heat eventually unaware of any danger.
They will not be aware of their body cells being damaged until they become sick or have some symptoms of various health problems.
Think of yourself as a frog in an EMF pollution pot being slowly "cooked" by EMF pollution that is damaging your body cells via voltage gated calcium channel (VGCC) activation by 5G, wi-fi or other EMF pollution sources.
Being aware of EMF Pollution hazards is the first step to getting out of your EMF Pollution pot.
The second step is avoiding EMF pollution as much as possible especially in you home, office, car etc.
You must purchase an EMF/RF Meter to find the hidden RF hazards where you work and live.
If you purchase and EMF/RF meter you can begin to get a picture of the 5G KILL Grid and other dangerous RF radiation that has slowly been "cooking" you in a pot of EMF/RF pollution!
Not everyone is extremely sensitive enough to EMF radiation, at least not enough to feel it’s constant effects and resulting symptoms. Some people do have what is called electromagnetic hypersensitivity (EHS). These individuals have consistent symptoms from EMF radiation and can literally feel its effects.
Whether or not you are extremely sensitive to EMF radiation has nothing to do
with the long-term damage it can have on your body. One of the best and first
things that people can do is get a quality EMF protection to help
protect against some of this radiation.
Well, it looks the proverbial “tin foil hat” has actually become reality.
Except not really.
While EMF shielding hats are available, they are a far cry from slapping aluminum foil on your head. In fact, these hats are modern, stylish, and look exactly like any other ball cap. Now you can protect your brain from harmful EMF & RF radiation, and no one will know the difference.
The EMF radiation protection cap is the best headgear available for protecting the head area, significantly reducing high frequency/RF EMF generated from sources such as Wi-Fi Modems, Bluetooth devices in the home and car, smart meters, cell towers, microwaves, cordless phones, as well as low frequency electrical fields from sources such as electrical wires, electrical Boxes, Household Appliances and high power transmission lines.
EMF Protection Hat RF Shielding Cap Microwave Shielding Hat
THIS IS ABSOLUTELY THE HIGHEST QUALITY EMF/microwave shielding cap available! There are many cheaper versions available. They DO NOT have the same quality materials, attention to details, or shielding effectiveness of our Leblok EMF Protection Cap. Robust, quality design, providing extremely high protection, WITH SHIELDING FABRIC SEWN INTO THE MAIN CAP AND THE VISOR! Plastic button on top rather than the usual metal because metal is conductive.
Very high shielding capacity for 3G, 4G and 5G. Perfect for shopping, travel and general outdoor wear. Made from rugged, hard wearing cotton outer and soft cotton inner, with very high capacity RF shielding internal layer.
There are other shielding caps available on the market, but none have given the attention to quality and detail as this one. Designed by an EMF professional who is also EMF sensitive. Shielding effectiveness 50dB (99.99%) at 1 gigahertz and shields effectively up into the higher gigahertz ranges as well.
Please DO NOT try to test this professionally designed products by checking the signals or visible networks with your cell phone placed inside our hats, hoods or sleeping bags, then try indicate products are defective and you want to return them! A cell phone works on 0.000000001 of the signal of 6V/m (volts per meter).
Shielding hats and hoods, for example, shield effectively to 99.995%. Were you able to completely seal our RF shielding hood or hat airtight? Absolutely not! Thus, a gap of only 0.0001″ in the fabric would be enough to allow the cellphone to make the connection!
In addition, this product is not being sold as a cellular phone shield. Thus, using a cell phone to test this shielding product is not a valid or accurate test and will only lead to confusion or you thinking this product is defective.
This hat is better than wearing no EMF RF protection at all.
Get a "Tin Foil" type ball cap hat to help protect from harmful EMF everywhere.
If your serious about protecting your family and finding EMF Pollution in your home or elsewhere get this meter,
It costs about $119.00 from Amazon with free shipping.
Detects all three types of EMF pollution: AC magnetic, AC electric, and RF/microwave
The Advanced GQ EMF-390 is great for measuring the EMF emissions of cellphone towers, Wi-Fi, mobile phones and microwave oven leakage which is a big hazard you can do something about.
StreamZones.com (Many FREE Roku Channels)
AnyCalculator.com (Over 120 FREE Online Calculators For Amost Any Use.)
Kill Grid More Information On The Dangers Of 5G Cell Radiation
How to disable WiFi in your home when not using your Wi-Fi.
There is another Kill Grid in your home. Its called a Wi-Fi Kill Grid. It is even more dangerous than the 5G Kill Grid.
I have my smart tv hardwired to my Wi-Fi Router so I don't use Wi-Fi for my smart tv.
I also have my desktop hardwired to my Wi-Fi Router.
When I don't need Wi-Fi for my Tablet or Cell Phone I disable my Wi-Fi Router.
I have a Sagemcom Wi-Fi Router with 4 ports to hardwire my devices.
This Wi-Fi Router transmits Wi-Fi on 2 frequencies. 2.4 GHZ at 450 MBPS and 5.0 GHZ at 2200 MPBS.
Different Wi-Fi Routers have different default user names and passwords.
The Sagemcom has a default username of admin and password of admin, both lower case.
Each Wi-Fi router will have a different IP address so you will need to know that first and type that number into your browser to access the login page for your Wi_Fi Router.
For the Sagemcom Router after you login go to settings first.
You will need to click on the box for the 2.4 GHZ first.
Disable the 2.4 GHZ by clicking on the wireless enable button to cut the 2.4 GHZ off. Click apply.
Next click on the box for the 5.0 GHZ.
Disable the 5.0 GHZ by clicking on the enable button to cut off the 5.0 GHZ off. Click apply.
When I want to use my tablet or cell phone using the Wi-Fi, I cut my Sagemcom Router back on.
Its farily easy to cut your Wi_Fi Off when your not using it.
My Sagemcom Router has a warning to keep the Wi_Fi Router away from my body by at least 12 inches.
A cell phone has a warning to keep it away from your body at least 5mm.
To be safe you should keep these devices further away than the minimum distance!
There are a few things that can be done to protect yourself from RF Radiation hazards.
(1) Cut your Wi-Fi off when your not using it and make sure your not near your Wi_Fi Router when its transmitting.
(2) Hardwire your devices in your home and only use your Wi_Fi temporarily if needed.
(3) Keep your cell phone, laptop, tablet etc away from your body.
(4) If you have other devices that also transmit Wi_fi like security cameras/devices or baby monitors or get rid of them and purchase cameras that are hard wired to your security system.
(5) Get Rid of your Microwave oven. They all leak radiation and are NOT safe!
(7) If you have a smart meter get a shield to protect yourself from its pulsed 24/7 RF radiation.
(6) Install the FREE 5G Cell Kill Grid Roku Channel using this code. 2HTKXMH
Become informed about the dangers of 5G radiation and RF Radiation from other sources especially in your home.
(7) The internet of things includes appliances and other devices that have Wi-Fi that transmits Wi-Fi 24/7 in your home.
The Internet of Things is the network of physical devices, vehicles, home appliances, and other items embedded with electronics, software, sensors, actuators, and Wi-Fi 24/7 connectivity.
The internet of things may also spy on you 24/7 transmitting data about what you do.
The internet of things will get bigger as time goes on. The internet of things Wi-Fi Kill Grid in your home will also get bigger as you purchase Smart devices that transmit Wi_Fi Radiation in your home 24/7.
This means your in home Wi_Fi Kill Grid will only produce more Dangerous RF Radiation!
Companys that sell Smart devices are not concerned about your safety. They are only concerned about selling their Smart device product and getting data about what you do.
Amazon Echo and Alexa are two devices you need to throw in the trash that contain Wi_Fi Transmitters.
Not only is Alexa listening when you speak to an Echo smart speaker, an Amazon employee is listening, too. These devices listen to what you say 24/7 in your home. They also record what you say!
Wi-Fi 24/7 devices include:
Smart thermostat, smart plug, smart bulbs, smart locks, smart security system, smart things hub, smart toothbrush, smart pet feeder, baby monitors, smart pacifiers, toys that have WiFi built in, smart coffee maker, blue tooth devices, smart health monitor, fitness trackers, smart arm chair, pet cameras, smart pet feeder, smart pet treat cam, personal emergency response system, car tracker adaper, Wi_Fi in your car, blue tooth head set, Wi-Fi intercom, Wi_Fi smoke or carbon monoxide detector - carbon monoxide is a hidden danger and so is Wi_fi everywhere in your home 24/7.
(Your home can also be a WiFi Kill Grid/Blue Tooth Kill Grid if you use these devices!)
Smart vacuum, smart DVR, smart refrigerators, smart stoves, smart washer or dryer, smart dishwasher etc.
Anything that is called a smart device contains a Wi_Fi Transmitter that is tranmitting 24/7 in your home.
Home depot has currently 274 smart devices listed on their website.
All of these smart devices bring electrosmog into your home and should be avoided.
Don't buy ANYTHING that is called a smart device because they all will contain Wi_fi Transmiters or Blue Tooth that broadcast EMF Radiation in your home!
DO I HAVE A Wi-Fi KILL GRID IN MY HOME? Do I have a Blue Tooth Kill Grid Stuck in my ear?
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Kill Grid
More Information On The Dangers Of 5G Cell Radiation
5G Cell Kill Grid
A New FREE Roku Channel
Install the 5G Cell Kill Grid using this code. 2HTKXMH
Click this link to go to roku.com and install the FREE 5G Cell Kill Grid
Stop 5G In Pickens County SC Sign this petition to Stop 5G In Pickens County SC.
Stop 5G/Smart City Greenville Petition Sign this petition to Stop 5G in The City Of Greenville SC.
Fix It Right Stop The 5G Kill Grid