Asphalt Shingle Calculator (Estimator)
Calculate Shingles, Nails and Cost
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Tax is not included.
How To Use Asphalt Shingle Calculator (Estimate)
Shingle Cost Estimator.
This calculator is designed for a standard
two sided sloped roof.
The measurements entered represent a
rectangle, of roof on one side of the building,
The calculator uses these measurements to
compute the area of the whole roof, and
determine the number of bundles.
Be sure to add a couple of bundles for double first row,
and capping. Also have a couple of bundles
spare on hand to cover wind damage etc.
3 bundles per square. (100 Sq Ft)
21 shingles per bundle.
33 square feet per bundle
100 square feet per square,
4 nails per Shingle
31 Holes In One
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