Blood Alcohol Calculator

Calculates an individual's blood alcohol content based on the quantity of beverages consumed, the alcohol percentage in each drink, the person's weight, and the time spent consuming the drink. This is ONLY an estimate. (Drinking is a needless waste of valuable time! It will consume the time you could have spent with your children and other loved ones if it doesn't kill you first! Never drink and drive!)

    (Beer ~ 12 oz. Wine Glass ~ 4 oz. 1 Shot ~ 1.5 oz)
    (Beer ~ 4-6% Wine ~ 15-20% 1 Shot ~ 30-50%)
Fluid Ounces Consumed Percent Alcohol
Your Weight (Lbs) Hours Consuming Drink
BAC Percentage
BAC Analysis
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Beer is a generic name for beverages made by fermentation of extracts of cereal grain, particularly barley, or other starchy material (1,8). Beer is a beverage known since antiquity and next to wine is probabLy the oldest of prepared food drinks. In modern times the countries of northern Europe set the style of beer as it appears today. In fact, the words "beer," "brewing," and "Lager" are all of German origin.

Generally three types of beer are sold: regular, light, and non-alcoholic. The term light intends to signify a product with less alcohol and fewer calories than regular beer.

Non-alcoholic beer usually claims less than a half percent of alcohol and is intended for people who desire a product with little or no alcohol. 

There are many Intervention Services and Interventionist Options.   If you have a drinking problem there is an answer.

Proverbs chapter 3 Verses 5,6

Proverbs: 3:5   Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.   Proverbs: 3:6 In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.

Ask the Lord to help you stop drinking. He will if you trust in him.

When a person consumes more alcohol than their body can efficiently metabolize than the amount of alcohol in their bloodstream becomes elevated. The amount of alcohol in a person's blood stream is referred to as their blood alcohol level. The higher a person's blood alcohol level is the more extreme the effects of alcohol are on a person. How fast a person's blood alcohol level raises and the effects it has on them varies greatly depending on a number of things, including weight, age, gender, body composition, general health, and the presence of other drugs or medications.

Excess drinking causes the liver to accumulate fat, known as fatty liver. Fatty liver can lead to inflammation of the liver which is known as hepatitis. A liver that has become clogged with fat can not perform at an efficient level which affects the rest of the body's nutritional health. Excessive drinking can also lead to cirrhosis. Cirrhosis of the liver happens when liver cells become so damaged that they cannot regenerate. Once cirrhosis has occurred if a person does not stop drinking they will experience liver failure which is potentially fatal.

Alcohol consumption raises the risk for breast cancer.

Heavy drinking can be very hard on the heart. It causes cardiomyopathy which is the stretching and drooping of heart muscle, myocarditis which is inflammation of the heart muscle and  arrythmia which is irregular heartbeat. When alcohol is consumed it raises blood pressure and blood lipids. This increases the risk of heart attack, hypertension, raised cholesterol and stroke.

Alcohol depresses the central nervous system causing many short term effects like slurred speech, blurred vision, weakened muscles, decreased reaction time and impaired memory. When alcohol is consumed excessively it can cause cell damage in the central nervous system creating a condition known as neuropathy. Neuropathy causes alternating feelings of weakness, burning, pain and numbness in the feet and hands.

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