The Rush Limbaugh Podcast Show May 1, 2019


Rush Limbaugh Show May 1, 2019 (Full MP3) Podcast


Rush Limbaugh details what is happening during the Senate Judiciary Committee Hearing. May 1, 2019


Attorney General Barr's testimony refuted all the liberal democrates assertions about colusion, obstruction of justice by President Trump and other dmeocrate committe members lies about Attorney General Barr and President Trump.

This Rush Limbaugh podcast will give you a very clear understanding of the fake news the liberal democrates are manufacturing because they are themselves under investigation by the justice department along with many other members of congress, the news media, hillary clinton, the democrate party etc etc.

Liberal democrates and the fake news media are desperate to hide and obscure the fact that the mueller report did not find any wrong doing by President Trump.

Now the tables have turned and the democrates are worried about General Barr's ongoing investigation into the Fake Mueller investigation.

(If Rush was alive today he still would be making a big impact. Our Republic was replaced with a manufactured coup on Jan 6. 2021 because the changed us house rules allowed the suspension of counting the electorial votes in and emergency and when the house came back the rules stated NO objections to the electorial votes could be presented. A dictator was installed on Jan 6, 2023.

If Rush Limbaugh was still broadcasting he would have made sure this was widely known. Because he is no longer with us this fact is hard to find and is never reported in the mass media.

Read more about the Jan 6, 2021 coup that installed a dictator as a fake president!  (Over 120 FREE Online Calculators For Almost Any Use.)

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